Roblox.js - Open Cloud made easy

This isn’t correct, you do not need to mark the entire project as a module in order to execute import statements. Simply change the file extension from js (JavaScript) to mjs (modular JavaScript).

I believe they changed the behavior recently. Marking the entire thing as a module makes you unable to use require in all scripts unless you create a custom require function using import.

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My apologies, thanks for correcting me. I also mentioned it because I highly recommend that people use ES6 modules especially if they’re starting out a new project, this is because they’re much simpler and newer than the outdated old school require and module.exports.

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How would I fix this error?

Update: fixed my issue again, turns out I had two lines misplaced with each other. New to JS :slight_smile:


Does this work with OrderedDataStore?

Not yet, I have not added support for OrderedDataStore.

that is a bummer, I was using RbxCloud before switching to this module, the creator of it informed us that if we want to use OrderedDataStore, we should switch to this one…

is there any estimates when you will be adding support for OrderedDataStore?

I will try to get it out by next weekend.

That would be amazing if you could bring it by next weekend! thanks!

did you update your module to support OrderedDataStore?

It was delayed, I will try to get it done within 3 days.

Really looking forward to it, thank you!

It probably won’t be released until Monday, since I am busy on weekdays. However, I did manage to add one function already.

Alright no worries, you can just let me know when you update it so I can take a look at it.

Any news about the OrderedDataStore?

I got stuck on Update endpoint as it doesn’t update anything even though it returns the updated value correctly. I am not sure if I should release this module with this problem. I have reported the issue, but I don’t think that I will get an answer. Otherwise, the update is done since Saturday.

You could release it with a disclaimer. Also when you said it does not update anything but then it returns the updated value correctly is weird.

So I am guessing you will be releasing the module with a disclaimer that the onUpdate endpoint is not updating…

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Could you also update your github so we have an understanding how to use the OrderedDataStore? Thank you

I haven’t released the update yet, though I plan to do it as soon as I can.

Alright, just let me know when since I am really eager to test it