Roblox's "Add Gear to Your Game" Option is Outdated

Roblox’s “Add Gear to Your Game” option contains an outdated image. It currently looks like this:

Notice the old Robux symbol? We changed to a lug nut a while ago. :robux:

To my knowledge this only occurs while following these steps:

  1. Go to a game’s “Store.”

  1. Scroll down until you see the following text. Click on the plus (+) symbol.


  1. You will now be redirected to the image at the very top of this topic.

When it started happening: This seems like an artifact from a while ago, so probably ever since Roblox changed their Robux symbol.

Screenshots are above. Repro is above. System specs are not necessary.


I really doubt they will fix this, they made a post about this feature being removed soon.

It does not look that old.
Seems fine to me. Maybe you screen is blurry.

Did you look at the image? They’re using the classic Robux symbol:


It was changed to the lug nut we all know more than a year ago.

As for the image being blurry, no, it is not my computer. If you’d just look at the rest of the image you’d be able to tell that the example in the pop-up had been compressed.

They already have, albeit in a way I wasn’t anticipating. As for the bug report being irrelevant, yes, I made this topic before they made the announcement. I’m not a fortune teller.

Anyways, this option has been removed for good already and is essentially done and over with. The bug has been fixed, not in the way I was expecting, but nonetheless this topic should be closed and no longer bumped. Marking this as solution.


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