ROBLOX's Chat GUI interfering with Click Detection

Hiya, I made a recent update on my game to discover that ROBLOX’s Chat GUI is interfering with some buttons click detection nearby.

  1. This bug happens all the time.

  2. In order to produce the bug 100%:
    have a GUI TextButton/ImageButton around 20 pixels tall set to the top left of the screen (width doesnt matter)
    Add a script which gives feedback when clicking
    Run the game
    Enable the Chat GUI by saying something
    Try clicking the button
    This will result in being unable to click the button.

  3. This bug happens ingame on roblox’s main site.

  4. It isn’t level specific, though to experience the bug for yourself, you can try clicking the top left button found at my place when the Chat GUI is active here.

  5. Screenshots/Video wouldn’t be able to give the feedback necessary to describe this bug accurately.

  6. This isn’t a graphics bug.

  7. The bug might have been around since the latest release of ROBLOX’s Chat GUI, I’ve only just encountered it though.

  8. I would want to know why the Chat GUI blocks click detections from buttons behind it found inside a Player’s GUI.

Hope this was informative enough, looking forward to a response :stuck_out_tongue:

You could get the default chat script, disable chat core GUI, and make it again using the default chat script. Just edit it a bit, and make it so the GUI elements aren’t set as active.

I guess I’d have to do that as a makeshift solution for now while ROBLOX could fix this.