Roblox's jump animation differs when played manually?

I need to play it manually because I’m creating a preview for a weapon controlled by an NPC in a viewport. Viewports don’t support physics, particles etc. So I can’t just toggle Humanoid.Jump

Essentially the arms only flail to waist height and then come back down again. The same happens when playing it in the command bar on my own character in workspace. I just want to ask if anyone knows what they do in the movement script to get it to look normal? Couldn’t find the answer anywhere, briefly had a look in the animate script but still unsure

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Its probably because normally, on the way down, the jump animation is overridden by the falling animation. If you arent playing the falling animation when they come back down, then that might be the problem.

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I thought that and already tried playing the failing animation but it has the same issue. Arms just stay around chest height

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