Roblox's Moderation Needs To Be Fixed

My bad, I replied to the wrong message

I’m honestly tired of Roblox’s poor moderation every time I try to upload a Car sound or Texture to my game Within 5 seconds I get kicked off studio then I go to the website and get “You’ve been banned for Violating TOS” and it procceeds to tell me my Audio or Image Is harmful. How game developers supposed to Create games when you can barely even import your own assets? IDK what to do at this point really. I have this issue every month at least without fail. I’m so sick of Roblox at this point I’m half tempted to leave. I already started working on my game in UE5 but its so hard to learn which is why I wish I could just finish my game on Roblox I’m just so much more comfortable in Roblox Studio and I have over 10 years experience. Roblox keeps pushing me everytime I get banned for assets being “Harmful”. I got a 1 day ban from uploading A CAR SOUND.

Not to Mention when Submitted the Appeals form hours ago I got no response, so I sent another one Just a few minutes ago. Still nothing… Roblox is such a joke at this point.


Thats what I mean, even if it’s been there for years it can still affect your account a great example is copyrighted clothing there not really a way to get rid of it unless you appeal to roblox which still is unlikely that they will remove it

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My VC was suspended because I apparently said something that was against the community standards. Even though I have disabled my microphone access to Roblox VC.


Prior to this incident, I was playing a game with my friends and a group of players came to harass us by yelling profanities and racial slurs. I muted them all, but my friend heard them saying they were going to mass report us. Apparently this is a way to get people suspended from VC, because automatic moderation takes action when a player gets mass reported.

I even asked about what I said, and I explained that my microphone has always been disabled. “Even if someone makes a report, as long as the person is not breaking the rules, their account will not be moderated”. yet, my account has been moderated for something that I couldn’t even do.


Forget making a game that was on the front page, and forget that I had the verified badge on Roblox. Reputation doesn’t matter to “employees”, they’re only working to make money. They don’t care about how valuable your account is, or how Roblox literally pays your bills to live; even if developers like us, are the backbone of the whole entire website, and the sole reason why those employees even have a job. They will terminate you for just about anything, as long as they make that salary.


I have to agree. My old account had an experience with a couple million visits, lifetime Premium, and something like 100,000 Robux, and it was terminated in 2019 for no reason, and I mean there was literally no reason given in the termination message. Three years later, I am still sometimes sending in appeals about it in the hopes someone will actually read it, but I haven’t had any luck so far. I understand that a lot of the moderation system is outsourced to India and it really shows. I think the entire moderation system needs to be closely looked into by Roblox.


To note, after 1 month, appeals will not be looked at at all, and even if they were, your moderation will not be appealed because the deadline for appeals is a month.

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I suspected that a lot of the “moderation” issues can be created by immature/bad players reporting other target players in mass. I never play public servers with my dev account just for that reason, not even of my own games. It’s hard enough dealing with the automated moderation of assets that are uploaded, let alone other players just trying to cause trouble for you knowing that the moderation system is a great way to hurt someone else. I’ve seen enough youtube videos of others getting their account banned because of mass reporting (to be fair, they were causing havoc on public servers with alt accounts) but it’s further evidence that it is easy to hurt someone else, even a popular game developer.


Imagine an AI for moderation to improve Roblox Moderation, it will be much better than actual moderation.


Mass reporting has been a long time big problem for big developers like LSPLASH and Preston for too long. Maybe if there was a feature to view moderation status, like let’s say, a strike system with a little bar on the account settings page showing how many strikes a user has, and instead of straight up banning someone, they can just restrict specific abilities based on the type of offense, then the problem would not be so bad.
For instance, accounts which are moderated for things like scams should be restricted from being able to buy or sell clothing items, trading, purchasing lootboxes, etc. The Policy Service should be updated to include specifically what abilities are restricted due to moderation.

I also need to point out that maybe a captcha question for reporting abuse isn’t enough to stop bots from mass reporting anymore. Literally anyone could mass report content that is legitimate and claim it as either copyright infringement or inappropriate, depending on the context.

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Just got a 1 day ban for uploading an image of the twitter logo (that nearly every game has, and I have had in the past 6 games I made)… it’s truly incredible


Your not alone sadly
Yeah, it was for a discord logo a got ban on the top left. (I didn’t saw it and cause of a server lag I got banned 1 day too)

Sorry to bump this topic, however this is regarding moderation.
As far as I’m concerned everytime one does report to Roblox regarding a violation of the Terms of Service when some person breaks the rules, I sometimes feel the company lacks the transparency whether they act on this or not.
I’m fed up of such messages such as, what they keep sending in their automated response messages.

Notice the “even though you cannot see if an account is moderated, our team does take action against accounts caught violating the Terms of Use and Community Standards” statement, this is sometimes as to vaguely say “We will take action” yet for users nothing is ever done, and they’re not clear whether or not they’ll take action or not. I had experiences such as reporting certain exploiters, via Roblox support, and get this, with video links for the moderators to check their activities or even straight up screenshots with the chatlogs of the exploiter, and somehow their account is not deactivated or somewhat moderated for the action they’ve done. It is better if they can at least add some transparency by giving such replies, such as “We have taken action against this account for violating according to your report the rule… etc.” or “This account was not moderated for lack of proof etc.”

The Community has been complaining both of moderation not taking place, and better yet wrongful termination of accounts. I believe they should start adding up some improvements regarding their moderation system.


Posting this here because I know my current post is bound to be deleted.

I’m honestly dumbfounded by Roblox’s moderation.

It has gotten to the point to where clothing makers can’t even upload items. I’m still working on assets for a basketball game that a friend and I are almost done with, yet Roblox’s moderation keeps handing out false bans. We’ve already dealt with things randomly getting taken down in our group and solved the issue after contacting Roblox, but I continue to get banned for simple clothing items which approves other versions of them.

The ban message. “Discriminatory”…?

The template

I am honestly fed up with the current state of Roblox’s moderation and it kills all motivation to even create on the platform in any way. From clothing to development, it’s become impossible. What happened to Roblox just deleting clothing assets, even if randomly flagged? Why do they now resort instantly to banning accounts? Also, there’s no reason to even appeal any of them because they won’t respond, if they even do, it’ll be after the ban is lifted.

Something has to be done about this. I’ve already lost my main account, still haven’t heard back on the appeal. Banned the other day for a sleeve, and now banned again for another sleeve. It has become impossible to create on this platform.

TL;DR: Roblox, fix your moderation, we are tired of it.


Voice Chat Moderation is laughably bad- they will essentially auto ban you if you get reported, then refuse to give you a reason for your ban and deny your appeal. Learn more about my experience and the issue here.


The exact same thing just happened to one of my developers, it didn’t even give us an asset name or image so we don’t even know what the ‘discriminatory’ item was. Laughable how Roblox is trying to present themselves as a ‘serious’ engine but still has this garbage moderation that’s either run by a braindead AI or a third-world sweatshop.
They likely brush all these issues under the table and put top games on a ‘privilege’ list where they aren’t subject to the same faulty moderation us filthy commoners are. As long as the big games aren’t getting mad, Roblox sees nothing wrong here.


I mean considering this account was terminated for the name “emoshootas” for “sexual content”, I have no hope for this game, nor its moderation getting any better.


I appealed something like this and they took 2 months to respond to me.

There’s no hope.


That’s because roblox only temporary bans exploiters when caught, meaning we cant tell if they actually get banned or not. Additionally most bans last only a day, three days for repeated offenses.

This was actually proven true a while back. Absolutely foolproof system, totally didn’t backfire on April 21st 2022


It’s honestly annoying how they give us a 30 day time frame and won’t even stick to their own time frame lol.


exactly! what happened to that update roblox gave us at the developer confrence the screenshot that people are allowed to say “lmao” in game but when u type it, it is immediatley censored out. also it keeps falsely censoring out words