Roblox's Moderation Needs To Be Fixed

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The discussion category does not 100% have to relate to the art of roblox development. By this logic, a lot of topics would be removed. topics like this < aren’t related to the art of development but are completely fine because the discussion category does not have to 100% conform to this. As I stated in my post, this absolutely fits into the discussion category as it does relate to developers!

I respect and appreciate everyones opinion. Everyone is entitled to it. @sjr04 hope this clears that up.


1 : I get 3 days ban for saying go away in 2016.

2 : customer support is worst the Moderators.


There is some agreements but some are not for the fact roblox is trying their best to be the best platform they can be but also at the same time roblox moderation system is a bot most likely so you cant blame them. But it will be helpful if they can fix it a little bit so its not so likely to make the platform hated by people.


I also agree with you, that is very critical when it comes to a game designed for kids, plus anyone thats been on roblox 2018+ will know that they dont have the best moderation. Also this topic has been mentioned many times :confused:


well the moderation is FAR from best ngl

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Lol i know, 2/10 moderation imo


There are hundreds of inappropriate models in the toolbox. I’ve gone through and reported a lot of them (Roughly eight months ago) and they’re still there.

I’m working on a game with another developer and he uploaded a circle image. A circle. It was moderated and his account got warned. A. Circle. It was a grey, 2D Circle.


Also you must realize roblox moderation bot been doing its job for the last 6 or 8 years I think so roblox must of forgot to do some improvements for the bot and stuff in awhile you know. (Idk when they release their bot for moderation so I guessed)

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I agree but you have to think this is really an unsolvable problem without investing millions in moderation.

The moderation team themselves have been questionable at times like a specific Roblox Youtuber who will remain unnamed who got consistently got banned for making a CNN style/drama alert “Make fun news video of Roblox”.

But most of the time the moderation team has been alright they are overflowed with things and they do have a priority list of what is most important at that time such as DMCA, Heavily inappropriate games, and games with malicious intent.

They can’t really hire outsourced moderators due to incidents like when one customer support agent sold the dev panel to a person. They can’t really recruit unpaid mods again trust issues. Making a working report bot would most likely get abused. If they hire official mods they have to shed out millions to pay their salaries. They can’t remove the chat that would just ruin the game.

What Roblox should really do is educate the players. I myself have been able to stray away from many situations because I was educated not to trust strangers online. They should make videos or little tips that pop up on the website telling kids to be careful online do not share personal info etc. They could even do this while the game loads.

What developers can do is to also educate the players. Even have a mod team disable private chat or add custom filters. Have their own report system there are so many things.

Even though it’s really Roblox’s job to moderate they have fallen and I hate to say it but developers we are the last line of defense its sadly now up to us to fulfill and uphold the legacy and the law. We have so many simple things we can do even just a popup educating players can save them from potentially getting taken advantage of. We can do this its so simple its live-saving as developers we are the final line of defense.


I totally agree with this thank you ItzAuraX


I guess this is true. I doubt ROBLOX moderation will change. It is annoying at times, but we kind of just have to suck it up and deal with it. It is nice to point that that ROBLOX’s moderation should change and I think that’s what this post is all about.


I wholeheartedly agree. Here’s my problem. Roblox moderates a slightest things, that don’t need to be moderated. I uploaded a face for a joio game, and got my account locked. Let’s not forget Robloxs script flagging thing, as well as a lot of things that are bad. But when it comes to games like these, Roblox does nothing. So many games are corrupt, racist, or other things that break tos. And what does Roblox do? NOTHING. We need to find a change, and find it fast.


I understand that but roblox do mostly have to worry about all the corrupted accounts and hackers its like they have to worry one thing and another. And its their job to have everything cleaned so they always go for the first thing and work their way up.

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If Roblox, could just divide their times easily, and have positions that aren’t useless, this would be balanced out.

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Yeah but you know ever since 2020 started it been hard for the moderation to balance their platform since some roblox staffs could be quarantined

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Agreed. But think like this, Roblox is a computer game. So you can work from home etc…

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True true but you never know what roblox staffs do daily they are mostly busy with other things it would be easier to let the team think and see if they have a idea to fix the problems

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Definitely agree with this. Roblox Moderation 100% needs an overhaul. There’s ways Roblox can review their current system & find spots that can be improved & reworked & I think that’s something they should really focus on this year & in the future.


Agree thats why I said let the team think and maybe soon enough the system can be improved before we know it!


Fully, agree as I have said. But Heres the thing, ROBLOX has so much staff on useless areas, and are understaffed on areas that need to be covered. This is just my POV, roblox needs to shape up 100%, or else, who knows what’s going to happen.