"Robo-Fight!" Would you play?

So I’ve been thinking about this game called “Robo-Fight!” where players get to upgrade robots by training and battling other players.

The robots would be sort of modular as in you could choose the different weapons/abilities/upgrades to an area of it (maybe even different starter builds). And it would have different game modes like TDM/FFA/1v1.

My question is do you think this is a good idea for a game and what I could change. I would like to know if this game seems interesting enough for me to pursue. (also I didn’t see any games similar to this so if you know one please tell me so I can make sure mine isn’t a copy)


I’d definitely play it, and also if you like the idea then go for it. It’s unique and I haven’t seen it yet.

Thank you, I am thinking about making some robots with areas for lasers and such, and different legs which effect mobility. I appreciate the input!

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Are the robots like “Real Steel” robots (the movie) or more “Battlebots” / “Robot Wars” (the shows) robots?

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This sounds like a really good idea!

I would say more on the battle bots side

I would totally play it I love that show and the idea PLS MAKE IT

I’m going to try to get a basic tutorial demo out to the public ~next 1-3 weeks, maybe sooner maybe later (And my schoolwork could effect how long it takes). I don’t really know how hard it would be to script so it could fluctuate. Once I have the tutorial/demo I will use the feedback to make it more easy for the player to understand. Once I am done with it I will upload it to this post, so you guys can see what I’m going for here.

Well it’s probably hard cause you’ll have to use inverse kinematics

I’d definitely play that, reminds me of a game called SuperMechs

Do you mean for the fighting mechanics?

if you can be creative, like making your own builds/presetting it and not just click on samples that will just auto-attach, then I will definitely play it. I like games that are more on the creative side, like Build a Boat for Treasure (cool game) where you can almost build anything, with mechanics or such. Lookin’ forward to your game in the future! :wink:

Well I’m thinking kind of a mix where you get multiple different parts to make the body of your robot and you can mix and match them, there would also be other customizations like colors and maybe different materials, I don’t want everyone’s robots to look the exact same. Kind of like legos I guess? I’m still thinking about the building system though as I don’t want it too be too simplified and repetitive but also not to complicated.

For the walking and the fighting as you might put hills and if you don’t use inverse kinematics the animations would just play on the hill but it would break

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Yea I see what you mean, for the tutorial it will be pretty simple terrain though, I actually need to really start development in the summer as I’m doing projects and testing. I am really proud of my idea though and I think once it’s done it will be awesome to play.