Robux icon displayed incorrectly on some pages

The Robux icon is displayed incorrectly in several places across the website, including the Roblox catalog, item pages, and game stores. The new Robux icon should be appearing, but instead this is:


This is a bug for multiple users and happens 100% of the time for me and others. Some users are not affected. This was not an issue for me before the roll-out of the new Robux icon yesterday.

Device info
  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36
  • Platform Type: PC
  • Device Type: Computer

Ive had this on my side as well.
My chromes not zoomed in or out.

Im using an MSI, Windows 10, Laptop.


I also can confirm, I don’t even know what that icon is, lmao.

I’m using a macOS High Sierra.

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Looks to be a spritesheet issue possibly. The only thing I could guess that ‘icon’ to be is two assets halfway clipped between each other.


Can’t repro on Brave (Chromium).

This is likely a browser issue


This is still an issue for me on Chrome, Windows 10.

I figured I just needed to clear my cache, but that didn’t solve it. Any fixes?

Edit: The problem fixes itself on Light theme, but do I really want to burn my eyeballs out just to fix the Robux icon?

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