Robux scams are back

Hello. I’m doing this post because I recently reported a new scam problem. As you probably know, Robux scams are REALLY present on the Roblox Platform. But today, I think they upgraded their system. They are sending a bot in-game and sending a script who make the bot write “This game is soo fun !!!” and then they do {SYSTEM} Visit … for free ROBUX reward !! The maximum we can do is report them for protect Roblox and some creations. Scams are taking others forms too like “Want free robux ? visit … for rewards !!!”. If you see someone scamming in a game, make sure to take a screenshot of the scammer name and report him or send a mail at Roblox Support . If you want to protect your game from theses attacks, you can easily put a No-Scan script or something like this for avoid them.
Example of scam in Build a Boat for Treasure
Generaly they are easy to detect. Firstly, the name looks like a code generated randomly. Example: 5THyu75jdd85. After, you can see in their badge inventory that they have only “Welcome” badges. After, they have 0 friends, 0 followers and 0 following. Plus they don’t have any favorited game.

I hope this topic helped you.
Stay safe.

Atte - Official_DevFrancais