i also have my own rock module, and when you create flinging parts, like the rocks and pebbles, dont use body velocity, it causes it to look bad when it gets spawned, instead do something like this to make them fling in a random direction (and spin slightly to look cool, you can remove it)
Hi, the module starts with local Debris = workspace:WaitForChild(“Debris”)
Is the “Debris” variable referring to the Debris service, or a part in the workspace, or smth else? It makes my code infinitely wait for “Debris” in workspace.
I’m having an issue where the trail only follows the player’s HumanoidRootPart when the player is moving across the Z axis. I assume this is because the rocks’ positions are set by changing the X value of the rocks instead of it being relative to the HumanoidRootPart’s LookVector. Here is a screenshot of the lines of code that cause this.
Could someone aid me in making it so that the rocks are accurately placed next to the player when the Trail function is called? Thank you in advance!
Sorry if this problem seems trivial, Luau is a language I am relatively unfamiliar with.
(P.S, how would you put a code block into your posts? What I mean is instead of sending screenshots, people have blocks of code formatted like in Studio.)
Ok so i remember this module , and it have a huge problem… Y of rocks is always set to 0. Fix that please. I even can explain how : make raycast down from position u are doing rocks , and then change Y from 0 to raycast Result Y. If u do that , it will get way better