Hi, I’m currently working on Rocket Arena, as I’m planning on re-making it. Everything is going smoothly until I started to work on the KO system.
What I thought at first was the old Leader stats was outdated, so I re-worked everything out. I went to play-test by using the 2-Player local server and then blew up the other player, but I did not count as a KO.
Would anyone kindly help me on why it isn’t counting as a KO? Roblox is picking up that the player is getting hit but won’t add a KO to the player’s leader stat.
local Humanoid = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local DamageDealer = Humanoid:FindFirstChild("creator")
if DamageDealer and DamageDealer.Value then
local Killer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(DamageDealer.Value.Name)
if Killer and Killer.leaderstats then
local kills = Killer.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("KOs")
if kills then kills.Value = (kills.Value or 0)+1 end
This is only showing my KO-Handler script, but if you would like to see my Leaderstats script, I will post it as a reply.