Hi everyone, so I have this simple rocket launcher script and it’s running a few issues.
When I try this rocket out against a player, they don’t instantly die when they come in contact with it, it takes a few hits and proper angles to aim the rocket and by chance when it hits them, their humanoid joints get broken and they die.
Also, if I hit the rocket launcher near myself or on the floor, I die (which is logical) but how can I make it so that the explosion does not kill the player who his holding the tool (me) and only kill anyone else who comes in contact with the ball?
Overall I want to make it so that as soon as any player character is touched by the rocket ball, they instantly die and their joints break, except the player that’s holding the rocket launcher tool.
local shootrocket = game.ReplicatedStorage.shootrocket.shootrocket
local tool = script.Parent
local value = 0
if value == 0 then
local pos = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.TargetPoint
local LookAt = (pos - script.Parent.Parent.Head.Position).Unit
shootrocket:FireServer(LookAt, tool)
--value += 1
game.ReplicatedStorage.shootrocket.shootrocket.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, LookAt, tool)
local missile = Instance.new("Part")
missile.Parent = game.Workspace
missile.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
missile.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
missile.Position = tool.Handle.Position
missile.Velocity = LookAt*100
missile.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
missile.Transparency = 0.3
local fly = Instance.new("BodyVelocity", missile)
fly.MaxForce = Vector3.new(0,missile:GetMass()*196.2,0)
local e = Instance.new("Explosion")
e.Position = missile.Position
e.Parent = game.Workspace