Hi there. Me and my friend have some rocket sounds from the SpaceX Sn10 launch to add to our game. These got moderated and we cant get them back. We submitted a support ticket to try and get a person to verify them but they still think that they are inappropriate. As seen in this image:
The sounds are of course, without the music. I understand that they are loud and muffled but they need to be to sound real. Is there any way that we can get these back or at least change the audio so that it will be accepted? I don’t see how even a person thinks that this is inappropriate. They know it’s a rocket countdown and sounds because it clearly counts down lol. If this is in the wrong category let me know. It said sounds on it so I chose it. Thanks for any help
I think it’s a bot the bot might think the sounds are something “Y’know” roblox has bad customer support, so you cant do much about it in my opinion if it was Epic Games or Rockstar or something you probably would but roblox I dont think so but nothing wrong with trying
Message this group about the existing, moderated sounds instead for future references, if you have questions of why your asset was moderated or if you believe your asset was moderated incorrectly: https://devforum.roblox.com/g/Mod_Review_Requests
Hi again. I turned it down but it still got moderated and I got a warning for it lol. I’ve submitted a ticket like what @anon81993163 said to do. I did this last time and they did nothing but hopefully this time they can help in some way. Thanks everyone!