Rocket Tester Revamp: Skylab

Roblox Group

I’d like to first of all thank our wonderful builder Bootle for creating this wonderful station in Roblox.

What was Skylab?

Skylab was the first United States space station, launched by NASA, occupied for about 24 weeks between May 1973 and February 1974. It was operated by three separate three-astronaut crews: Skylab 2, Skylab 3, and Skylab 4. Major operations included an orbital workshop, a solar observatory, Earth observation, and hundreds of experiments.

Current Skylab in Rocket Tester

The current Skylab model that we have in RT is not the most accurate and detailed representation of the beloved station. With the revamp underway, we made sure that each model got a well deserved thorough remake and was as close to real life as we could make it.
Shown below is the current Skylab, its not the most pleasing representation.

Skylab Diagrams

Thanks to the wonders of the internet, we have been able to find plenty of useful design documents and diagrams. This has allowed us to add as many tiny details as we could and ensure that the station was accurate as we could possibly make it.


Skylab main body

Skylab Interior undergoing detailing work

Saturn Instrument Unit and Exterior panelling detail work

Skylab Airlock Module

Skylab Multi Docking Node

The future of Skylab in Rocket Tester

After the revamp is released, I personally hope that Skylab gets some much needed expansion updates. This would allow users to recreate Shuttle - Skylab or the SpaceLab station from Eyes Turned Skyward.

Shuttle - Skylab

Spacelab from Eyes Turned Skyward


I love the detail! There are no flaws.