RocketPropulsion problem

Recently, I’ve been trying to create a sort of building game. It relies on roblox physics, and while I was experimenting, I came across this:

What is happening here is I have 3 parts.
The first part (marked in black) is the target part.
The second part (marked in blue) is the part with the rocketpropulsion.
The third part (marked in red) is welded to the blue part, it also contains a bodygyro.

The RocketPropulsion has a MaxTorque of infinity. This should mean that it should be able to turn anything, with the exception of another BodyMover with a MaxTorque of infinity right? Wrong. The BodyGyro, even though it only has a MaxTorque of 400000, nullifies the rotation of the RocketPropulsion.

I tested lower and lower values, and it seems that in order for the RocketPropulsion to be able to turn the part, the BodyGyro needs to have a MaxTorque of 10, which is essentially 0.

I also tested this with the BodyGyro and RocketPropulsion parented to the same part, and the same thing happens. For those who are concerned why I have a BodyGyro and RocketPropulsion in the same system, it’s because I was experimenting with ‘magnets’ on flying vehicles.

Right now I’m marking this off as a bug. I haven’t seen anyone else report it, likely because I have never used RocketPropulsion up until now and this likely applies to everyone else. If this is intentional, what can I do to get RocketPropulsion working alongside the BodyGyro?

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Is there a specific purpose for using BodyGyro AND RocketPropulsion?

EDIT: I see for magnets

The BodyGyro is meant to control the rotation of the flying vehicle (there is also a BodyVelocity but it’s not important in this context). The magnet is something that can be built, so they are independent things connected by a weld.

Then what were to happen if you decided to remove RocketPropulsion and just use BodyVelocity and BodyGyro?

That is what I want to avoid. I used RocketPropulsion just so I would not have to use BodyVelocity and BodyGyro. That is what I tried, but it didn’t work as the BodyGyro had weird turning problems. I found out that RocketPropulsion was exactly what I wanted, something that points toward another part.

Try making the rest of the parts that are welded massless, to produce the same effect that RocketPropulsion has with one part on the Roblox API.

Roblox clearly states RocketPropulsion has components of BodyGyro.
This causes them to conflict. (Maybe)

EDIT: Don’t forget to remove the BodyGyro when testing my Theory.

Even if that does succeed, it would still not solve my problem. The game I am trying to make is not focused on a single magnet, but contains many components that can be built together to create a working vehicle. Massless parts likely wouldn’t work either, I said before that if the RocketPropulsion and BodyGyro were parented to the same part, the same problem still occurs.

BodyMovers do not usually conflict with each other. I have used multiple BodyGyros and they do fairly well together.

Hmm, from what I’ve gathered on other post, RocketPropulsion works most efficiently on one part. If your moving a whole structure, it is recommended to use BodyGyro, BodyVelocity, etc.

I’m going to do some more research.

If you don’t mind it not being able to gravitate on a specific axis, I found this.