RoConnect - An advanced Roblox + Guilded connection bot

RoConnect was made to connect Roblox and your Guilded server easily. It’s still in beta, so there may be some bugs. Guilded has been lacking a good Roblox bot for a while now, so I’m happy to share that there is finally one here. I did release this bot towards the end of last year/beginning of this year (which is why some of the screenshots below are dated from around that time), but I wanted to give it a bit more time to smooth out any breaking bugs and share it here.

We do plan on making a developer API in the future that’ll allow developers to see if a user is verified in their server or not, for any in-game rewards you may want to add.


  • Verify users’ Roblox account
    • Users can verify via Guilded connection or by joining the RoConnect Roblox game
    • Users can add up to three Roblox accounts and choose which one to verify with for each server
  • Bind groups and group ranks to Guilded roles
  • Easily sync over your group’s ranks to your Guilded server with +syncgroup!
  • View Roblox user’s profiles

Important Stuff:

Showcase of Features:

Be able to quickly verify users’ Roblox accounts in your Guilded servers now!


  • After setting the verified role and users begin to verify, you can check their Roblox profiles via the profile command


  • You can bind a group if you want only users in your Roblox group to be able to verify. You can also bind Roblox group ranks to Guilded roles.


If you guys have any suggestions or questions, feel free to lmk either here or in the server :+1:


Neato +1


:point_up::slight_smile: just cause_x

RoConnect just recently got an update :partying_face:

These were the new commands/new functions added to commands:

- syncgroup - creates a guilded role for all of your roblox group ranks; does not make it, if theres already a rank binded to a role with the same name
- setdefault - sets which roblox account will be used for autoverification
- bind rank #(int)+/- - Bind a rank number for a guilded role to be given to users above/below + at the rank number chosen
- enable/disable autoverify - disabled by default, need to set a verification channel. Will auto-verify users who join the server and are already verified with RoConnect
- verify add - allows you to started the process of adding a new roblox account and automatically verifying you in that server
- addaccount (username) - quickstarts the process to add a new account

Along with a bunch of improvements on verification! And binds were increased from 20 → 50!
Here’s a few screenshots of the new features;



Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this update! If there’s any suggestions, feel free to lmk!

Is it possible that you integrate it with Discord? So you link your guilded to Discord and you can easily verify your Toblox account with one system.

Anyways, looks sick!

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I’ve considered porting the bot to Discord, but it’s currently not a priority for me.

Mainly trying to get more features done, along with making everything as user friendly as possible for all users before working on porting the bot. If I do port the bot, I will allow account connections such as Guilded and Discord so you can use the same Roblox accounts across the platforms.

I’ve got a public roadmap in the guilded server, which lists my main priorities (oAuth verification, bind multiple roles to a Roblox rank, and a dashboard)

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Just improved the devforum feed :partying_face:

Now it’ll make the post a little more presentable along with including links inside the post. New is the bottom, old one is the top one.

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Just made it much easier now for servers to get started with a one-command setup that makes the two roles (verified and unverified) along with a verify channel. It’ll also give an option to verify all members in the server :smiley:


Also added a bypass command for server admins to verify users bypassing server restrictions.


and lastly, added an update command that’ll solely update a user’s roles so they don’t have to use the verify command

More updates are on the way, so keep an eye out :partying_face:

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