First of all, RSA makes the keys.
There are two keys, a public key and a private key.
RSA uses this key to encrypt and decrypt.
However, these keys have rules.
Characters encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted with a private key.
Conversely, characters encrypted with a private key can only be decrypted with a public key.
This is how RSA works.
Example code (Create Keys -> Encrypt -> Decrypt)
local RoEncrypt = require(game.ServerScriptService.RoEncrypt)
local httpservice = game:GetService("HttpService")
print("Generating RSA key pair...")
local start = os.clock()
local publicKey, privateKey = RoEncrypt.KeyGen.generateKeyPair()
print("Public key: "..httpservice:JSONEncode(publicKey))
print("Private key: "..httpservice:JSONEncode(privateKey))
print("Finished! Took " .. math.ceil(os.clock() - start) .. " seconds to generate keypair.")
local byteSize = 8
local bits = 256
local startTime = os.clock()
local msg = "hello" -- Maximum message size is bits / byteSize
print("Encrypting message...")
local res = RoEncrypt.Crypt.bytesToNumber(RoEncrypt.Crypt.stringToBytes(msg), bits, byteSize)
local encrypted = RoEncrypt.Crypt.crypt(privateKey, res)
print("Finished! Took " .. os.clock() - startTime .. " seconds to encrypt.")
print("encrypted: "..encrypted)
startTime = os.clock()
print("Decrypting message...")
local decrypted = RoEncrypt.Crypt.crypt(publicKey, encrypted)
local decryptedBytes = RoEncrypt.Crypt.numberToBytes(decrypted, bits, byteSize)
print("Finished! Took " .. os.clock() - startTime .. " seconds to decrypt.")
print("decrypted: "..RoEncrypt.Crypt.bytesToString(decryptedBytes))
Just for documentation’s sake since this is under the Community Resources category, could you explain what use cases developers might have for using this module? Who would this best target for use?
Specific examples please. Systems that you can create that might require encryption, or some interesting uses of it. For example, encrypting chats on a roleplay radio system where frequencies are shared for all teams and you need a key to see unencrypted chats (typical radio encryption probably wouldn’t be RSA, but just an idea). Listing services and objects on Roblox are too broad for developers, especially novice ones, to get an understanding of what your module can be used for.
Additionally, correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t this not be used for RemoteEvents? That sounds like security through obscurity waiting to happen. Additionally, you would need a client-side method of sending a valid key which could be breached by an exploiter to spoof for remotes. How would encryption perform in that field as opposed to argument validation? Validation in itself is already quite secure, bar some areas where you need to allow just a bit of leeway (which then you (can) start looking into sanitisation there), but I don’t see it with encryption.
He doesn’t need to give examples, he is supplying a resource to the community for people who need it. If you don’t know what this is then you are not going to need it.
After reviewing the code here’s what I have too say.
Obfuscating your code with IronBrew V2 or one of it’s descendants was a terrible choice. IronBrew V2 can be easily constant dumped using this code
local old=table.concat
table.concat=function(brr)print(old(brr))return old(brr)end
Obfuscating your code shouldn’t be necessary. When using something to encrypt data, it’s source should be publicly accessible. There shouldn’t be ways to de-crypt the data without being the encryptor.
One example case was to use the module to encrypt remote arguments. Using this module to constantly encrypt the arguments will cause immense amounts of lag due to the fact that the server will keep having to run an obfuscated module per remote. IronBrew2 takes longer and makes more lag depending on how large the script is.
Anyhow, I recommend posting the source code onto a github. If your encryption module has flaws that are visible in the source that can de-crypt the data with said flaws, then you need to fix that.
If you want a better obfuscator that has no public constant dumping methods, I recommend dming @clv2 on discord in hopes of being invited into ClvBrew. clv’s discord is clv#7323
If the original source won’t be included in the module you might want to move this to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations since open-source is required for #resources:community-resources.
Don’t you think it would be good to credit the original author?
Also, can you elaborate on your optimizations to the code? The only difference I’ve noticed is that you’ve changed the code to take an argument instead, and localized 2 global variables