RoFirestore, a new way of storage

RoFirestore, a new way of storage.

This module is a nearly 100% implemented Firestore wrapper, this is not for Google’s real-time database see RoBase for a real-time database implementation.

The way it works.

It uses Firebase’s Authentication for access to the database without letting anyone with the API key and URL change/read it.


Coming Soon.


This is the first version of RoFirestore so please let me know of any bugs or issues!


this is very goodd but what is firebase authentication?

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ok thank u sir


There will be documentation for everything but in firestore you need to set the rules to always allow that user id of the fake one you created,

  1. Set up authentication with email enabled
  2. Create a user with authentication and make their email and password memorable but FAKE nothing will happen with it but just for security use a fake email and password
  3. Set rules to allow that user to read/write, example:
rules_version = '2';

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == "<USERID>";
  1. Get the project id from the URL, it can be found after the<PROJECTID>/
  2. Get the API key and initialize the app in Roblox with your credentials, for example:
local app = require(script.RoFirestore)({
	apikey = "<APIKEY>",
	email = "<EMAIL>",
	password = "<PASSWORD>",
	projectId = "<PROJECTID>"
}, false) -- this boolean is determining if the app is in debug mode or not

Seems cool, waiting for some documentation

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:wink: Its going to be real soon! I’m going to add some finishing touches though.