This looks awesome – is it on Firefox too?
Pretty sure the firefox version was discontinued- please let me know if i’m wrong.
Hmm, okay. Are there any plans to add it back?
Sorry but RoGold wasn’t executing the code so Alex needed to discontinue RoGold from firefox, unfortunately.
If you know a magic tool that can execute the code than yes
Hello, RoGold is working again on firefox!
RoGold is a very non-intrusive high quality extension that includes a ton of exciting features that aren’t in other extensions. Everybody should install this right away !
My most favorite was the copy item id and the fake plugin detection.
Other than that most of the features seem extra however not useless.
Amazing! I can’t wait to get it.
Post updated with newest feature: previewing audio!
I’ve used rogold for about a month now, And It’s amazing! It really changes the platform more than how I initially described it a month earlier. I urge those who have a great interest in web plugins to download and try out this plugin for themselves.
I don’t see any point using this if you have to pay money. Honestly the roblox website is good enough and with other extensions that are free it puts money ones out the window.
What are you talking about? None of these development features are paid access.
is there a firefox extention for it?
Maybe you could add this to your extension.
Great plugin!
I think it’d also be pretty useful if the site could use the User-Agent header to detect what extension link it should redirect to for “Add Now”. I’m using Firefox on GNU/Linux, while it had served me the Google WebStore link, even though a firefox version does exist
Yeah, I plan on doing that. I just got pretty lazy with the website, lol.
This is a pretty good extension but Rogold Ultimate is much better, here are some features that ultimate got:
-Completely new Roblox UI (avatar shop, home page, profile page, discovery and more)
-A offline mode (you can travel the site without people seeing you)
-Leveling System (you can unlock avatar borders, avatar backgrounds by getting xp)
-Playtime Tracking (when you play games or when you are developing)
-Unfriend tracker (every time someone unfriends you will get a little notification every single time)
And a…
-Developer Panel (you can see how much robux you get from your games or even UGC items and more…)