My goal is to convert my workflow completely to Rojo where I can push my changes from VS Code to a Github master branch that will use Github Actions to run a script which uses the Rojo Upload command to publish the place automatically for me. So basically I want the game’s entire update process to be automated.
Model files, currently if you want to upload model files using Rojo they need to be converted to .rbxmx files and put into the project hierarchy. Doing this manually would obviously not be automated, so I ended up stumbling across Remodel which can convert all your models automatically for you. This brings me to my next issue…
It turns out that somewhere in those two processes of Rojo Upload and Remodel, any UnionOperation in the game gets corrupted, and so the map looks like it has a bunch of holes and invisible parts in it. I could convert all the unions to MeshParts, however this would be a fairly long and tedious process.
Another side issue I came across with Remodel is the .readPlaceAsset() API throwing an error, if you know anything about this, please let me know…
local game = remodel.readPlaceAsset("5154240477")
local Models = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets
for _, model in ipairs(Models:GetChildren()) do
remodel.writeModelFile(model, "Temporary/" .. model.Name .. ".rbxmx")
remodel run LoadLevelModels.lua -- This loads all Level's current models into the Rojo project
remodel run LoadLobbyModels.lua -- This loads all Lobby's current models into the Rojo project
rojo upload Level/Level.project.json -- Publish Level place to Roblox
rojo upload Lobby/Lobby.project.json -- Publish Lobby place to Roblox
Does anyone have any recommendations or things that could help me in this process?
Sorry for pulling this topic back up, but I am having the same issues with setting up rojo and VSCode. Ideally I would have everything of my game stored on the file system: code, models, decals, etc. (and on github), but I have no idea how I would convert my existing project with all it’s models and scripts and everything else to the filesystem. Any help is greatly appreciated!
This topic isn’t really about the conversion of a roblox file to rojo, but rather the automation of that process in order to create an automatic deployment.
That program only converts the scripts of an rbxlx file to lua files. I got rojo syncing scripts to studio, but I wondered if it would be possible to also convert models and put them on the filesystem/github.
You need to store models as .rbxmx files inside of your rojo project which as far as I have found can’t be automated and must be done manually. For something like a map you would want to store it as one big file. Sadly this would need to be exported and updated every time you make any changes.
Yo. I have a question about Remodel/Lune(if your aware of how to use it). How do I begin working with it? Do I have to have a seperate LUA file inside my rojo project or does it work inside a normal Server/Local script? I cant seem to figure it out and really want to get my workflow switched to Rojo aswell. Also sorry for bringing the topic back up!
I figured it out. I will be trying to make some kind of automated script.
I will post it here when I make the script. The goal of this script will be to take in any DataModels produced from Deserializing the Game file and then loading them back in after Rojo syncs/deletes most of your files and folders.
tldr; I figured everything out and will make an automation scipt.
Sorry I never got back to you on this, glad you figured it out. If you get your automatic script figured out feel free to post it, I’m sure many people would find it useful!
The post is 4 years old dont worry about it. Trying to figure out getting LuaRocks to work with Rojo. I should have it by Wednesday, I will make sure to make the script easy to use and provide plenty of documentation and support.
I got the first part done. I figured out Lune is pretty good at file management. I was gonna use LFS but that wasnt working with Rojo properly and Lune is also easier to install into your project. The script now is about half done and Can save any models from a service into its respected folder(Workspace, ReplicatedStorage, etc…) I will have it save children and other elements back into roblox soon.