Rokinator [alpha] - Akinator in ROBLOX (Make him guess anything!)

Yea but the thing I was not even talking about that guy lol

Oh ok xD

About what where you talking?

I talk with this about you recently! glad you went through with the plan :slight_smile:

Some recommendations, on the starting screen the camera seems to follow the mouse too robotically, i’d recommend tweening it with a delay and maybe on quad tweening direction! while the game is “loading a question” i’d recommend playing a thinking animation on akinator as it would make the game seem more lively

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Oopsies! I’ll patch this right away. Sincerly sorry…
Patched in the newest version (I hope).

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I was actually trying to implement animations and as a fun fact, the general code has an animation system! Though I suck at animating on roblox and don’t like doing it anyways. If an animator is down to make some of the animations then I’ll add them for sure! Thanks for the feedback though!

(Note: Those are unused temporary variables)

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Akinator has some kind of wavy blue thing… not pants :slight_smile:

Yes, this is what I wanted to do but I don’t have a very good English level so I didn’t know how to say.

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its alright bud! thanks for the feedback anyway

No problem! Hope you have a good day!

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Can you answer my question please @LambHubGoBrrrrr? It interests me to know what you wanted to say.

About what he spoke? I didn’t understand and when I ask @LambHubGoBrrrrr he don’t answer me…

Much cleaner homepage!


You should show your script

-- like this

instead of with an image.

The rock but I think I did some mistakes I think lol

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I will test something real quick and tell if you if it works :shushing_face:

Its okay :pray: Can I get your discord by any chance?

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Yeah sure, my discord tag is Coloride#8384

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If you share your discord to everyone, you should put it in your description.

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The text is quite small, im on a Mac so that may be the issue however it could be quite hard to read. You probably don’t need to add a “Rokinator” name tag, a custom image to go on your game page would also be neat. The sleeves are slightly short however I understand this. due to the source material.

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