How did you even make this? Never understanded how the original is made, and you just made it like that.
Could you send me a screenshot of the text if possible? I will try to make quality of life improvements.
The UI is quite small in order to fit to mobile devices, but if needed I will scale it up. Thanks for the feedback!
Lots of programming magic
In case you are really interested about the core mechanics of the game, please let me know!
Damn this is really good.
Keep up the good work.
The text is sort of small here, you dont need to permenantly size it up but a accessibility option to size it up would be nice / easier to read! ^^
I will work on a quality of life improvement and keep you updated. Thanks for the feedback & screenshot.
Basically, to simplify:
- Frontend: what you see
- Roblox Server: where you play and see on your screen
- Roblox API: where servers communicate within each other or the backend talks to with.
- Backend API: where requests are processed and are responded.
- Akinator API: an unofficial API that uses akinator’s backend in order to make game sessions and interact with them through requests and parameters.
- Server: where the backend is hosted.
- JSON: encoding language for APIs.
When you play a server, a session is created (by the backend) where the jobId (from the roblox server) of the server is assigned along as with a special generated key to avoid anyone interfering with your game, all of that is encoded in JSON and sent back to the Backend API, responsible of handling the akinator games and sessions with the Akinator API with a server 24/7 through an encrypted tunnel . The backend is written in python from scratch (I had no knowledge in making backends prior to making this!).
A game id is assigned (a random number) in your session when you start a game. The session is used to communicate with the akinator API and the game id to get the answers per games you play. Currently, one session is allowed to have one game at a time. Then, I use a special parsing technique and compress the requests, which are sent into the roblox API and recieved by all roblox servers, the roblox server that has the correct key and job id recieves and processes the request, which contains for example, data about your game.
Its a modified kind of JSON made in order to fit a lot of data while being lightweight.
Then, its parsed by the roblox server and is sent to the front end as a nice little table that can be understood and interacted with. An internal logic is made so you can interact with the roblox server and processes what you should see and interact with (such as a guess or answer), while the backend is the intermidiate of the game running your answers, guesses and such and retrieves what akinator would think.
So yeah, lots of programming magic.
This concept is actually really amazing. As said before, the game’s response time is significantly fast which is good to see. Good game, overall
Thanks for the feedback! Its really appreciated.
I would recommend using an module that handles statements like if and elseif for you instead of chaining it.
I got a good one in store for you: Switch Module - Roblox
oooh that would be hella useful. thanks man
I program in other languages and switch is a must! sadly lua forces you to do yandere dev coding…
No problem!
Splendid, I think this can get a lot of attention. However I’d be worried about keeping users hooked on it, after a while of the same concept it gets a bit boring. I believe in you op!
Thanks man! I’ve thought of some features to make the game spicy like leaderboards! But though the game is all about guessing a character, I don’t know how I can spice the gameplay yet except of some competitive aspect. I haven’t tried the game on a bigger scale aswell so I’ll be glad to hear some feedback, thanks!
Hello, game is finally back online after some drama I never needed.
Have fun, updates probably rolling out soon too
Hello again, game should be back up under new servers where I have control on.
And now back more than ever!
Have fun!
this is really cool, you are going to struggle with filter service though
it guessed my ginnie weasley from harry potter I think but it was tagged.
Sorry for that… I don’t have much of a choice to use filtering service, because I can’t control exactly what rokinator can find.