Roll With It Sushi Staff Rules and Guidelines

Roll With It Sushi - Staff Rules/Guidelines:

(LR) Trainees, Chefs, and Head Chefs:

As a trainee, chef, or head chef at Roll With It Sushi, your job is to serve our hungry customers.

Start your shift by heading to our counter. When a customer comes, greet them, and then take them to their preferred seating. Ask for their order in 3 parts - drink, entrée, and dessert. When they are done with dessert, send them off with a friendly goodbye.

If there are any trollers, give them three warnings. If they reach the third warning, contact an MR/HR via the group wall. Exploiters get no warnings.

(MR) Supervisors, Assistant Managers, and Managers:

As a supervisor, assistant manager, or manager, your job is to keep the restaurant fun and safe.

You can join staff who request MR/HRs on the group wall. Before kicking trollers, make sure they have 3 warnings by checking the chatlogs (by saying “:chatlogs”). When a troller gets kicked, warnings reset. If someone gets kicked 3 times, please contact an HR/SR to get them banned.

If you believe someone should be promoted, contact me or an SR, and we will keep an eye out for them. If you see any staff abusing admin, contact an HR/SR immediately. If you catch any LRs who aren’t following the rules, report them to an SR+.

Exploiters can be kicked immediately, after contacting an HR/SR to ban them (You must have evidence. You can use “:view” on them if necessary.)

MRs are allowed to assist in interviews, but not host them. For more information, head to the interview guide.

If there are no LRs, you may also do their job in the restaurant.

(HR) General Managers and Moderator:

As a general manager or moderator, your job is similar to the MR job assignment.

However, you have the power to ban. As mentioned previously, make sure they are kicked 3 times before doing so. If you catch any staff abusing admin, you are permitted to kick them, after reporting them to me or an SR. Exploiters can be banned immediately.

HRs are allowed to host interviews. For more information, head to the interview guide.

(SR) Board of Executives, Director of Executives, Vice President, and President:

As an SR, your job is similar to the HR assignment.

However, you must read any messages you receive about abusive staff and exploiters.

Before doing anything, you must have proof. If you catch any abusive staff, you may rank them back to customer. If you catch an exploiter, they are to be banned immediately.

If you are contacted about hardworking staff, you may monitor them and see if they deserve a promotion. If so, you may promote them by one rank only.

You may not promote anyone into a different category (LR into MR, MR into HR, etc.) unless I personally tell you otherwise.

SRs are allowed to host interviews. For more information, head to the interview guide.


LR Rules:

  • You must use grammar at all times.
  • You can not take a break from working, staff must stay staff. If you wish to leave your job, leave the group and come back. WE WILL NOT RESTORE YOUR RANK if you leave.
  • Do not hint for a promotion.
  • Always stay professional.
  • No random or overly specific warnings (eg. “Warning 1 - You’re a potato” or “Warning 1 - They called me mean”).
  • Always follow all Roblox rules.

MR+ Rules:

You must follow all LR rules, plus:

  • You may not abuse admin - ever.
  • Refusal to follow rules can lead to a suspension or demotion.

Note: Abusive staff will not get suspended. They will be fired immediately.

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