Greetings! Im working on a game where there is a ball that can stick to a wall and roll on it. Im kinda lost on how to do that…
Ive tried vector forces but it didnt work out (The rolling ball moved the vector faster then it could upd and you would just fall tldr it had a bunch of problems). Ive also tried EgoMooses gravity but it doesent work with my coustom ball.
Any help/guidence is appreciated
Note: Im not asking for a compleate script (If you wana give me one i wont complain) but just a direction.
part of the problem is it has to have force against the wall for the ball to roll. The floor would look weird with the ball rolling below on a floor when it should be on the wall, the most likely solution would prolly have to do with gravity but im not sure how to manipulate that
You can turn off gravity in the main game, so that the ball can kind of float around. Then apply a constant vector force in the direction you want gravity to be. For the players, add a vector force to their root part when they join, and make the force pull downwards, so that they have normal gravity. This should work fine, and even vector forces by themselves should solve your problem.