What is it?
- This module is made to interact with the Roliomons API. Easy to use, It’s lightweight meaning it will not take much memory in your game so your game will still run very smoothly.
What Does it Include?
It uses roblox-promises to make sure that everything is handled smoothly especially the
request to the API. -
It also uses a Cache system to store necessary data, so the module doesn’t have to spam request the API, however, the Cache does refresh every 300 seconds or 5 minutes.
Currently it only supports the following endpoints
How do I get it?
- Simply get the model from Roblox.
Rolly - Roblox
How do I use it?
local Rolly = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Rolly)
local Items = Rolly.Items
local Users = Rolly.Users
local TradeAds = Rolly.TradeAds
local Market = Rolly.Market
print(Items.GetItemDetails(1029025)) --> Classic Fedora
print(Users.GetUserData(135190312)) --> Fetch UserData
print(TradeAds.GetRecentAds()) --> Fetch RecentAds
print(TradeAds.GetRecentAds(true)) --> Fetch RecentAds w/ Item Details.
print(Market.GetMarketActivity()) --> Fetches Market Activity
How do I use it?
- Here is an example game I made using the module, Rolly - Roblox
- If you have any ideas/suggestions for the module make sure to comment them!
- This module is not yet finished and I’d like to add more to it in the future!
- The module is fully open-sourced and free to use, If you would like to contribute to the project feel free to use the Github Repository.
- You can contact me through Discord, frames#4888