Punishment Severities
Warning - Warnings are not used in all cases and are logged
Temp Ban - Timed ban that expires after the set duration
Perm Ban - Ban that does not expire
If offenses are repeated twice, then the punishment equals to old punishment + new punishment.
If repeated three times, the punishment is a perm ban.
Warnings do not count towards repeated offenses, but if the same rule is broken again, then the casual punishment follows.
False bans and wrongful moderation
We strive to create a respectful and fair community for all and every of our members. Thank you for the support, we DO CARE about you!
If you suspect a staff member of abusing their power, we urge you to contact one of the head admins, preferably 7x124g or Geo_Sast5.
- All bans are appealable since we believe that mistakes are possible
- Any staff member caught abusing will be fired and perm banned from the game immidiately
- Head admins are required to review every case
- Head admins are the only staff members allowed to handle appeals
- If you have been falsely banned you might be eligible for in-game compensation, more info down below
If your ban is proven to be false, you have the right to claim up to 4,500 denarius,
for each day of the false ban served you are eligible to 25 denarius, where the limit is 180 days.
If more than 2 weeks have passed since you have been unbanned, you are no longer eligible to claim the compensation so please do it in time.
Where to appeal?
If you are over the age of 13 submit your appeal via our server.
If you are under the age of 13, contact us by posting on the group’s chat wall. Unfortunately as of now there is no better way to deal with ban appeals for users under the age of 13.
Emperor Looping: warning or 1 day ban
(2 or more friends repeatedly occupying the emperor team) -
Spawn camping: warning or 1-4 day ban
(Camping the spawn areas to repeatedly kill/target individuals) -
Emperor spam: 7 day-perm ban
(Spamming laws to flood players with law changed pop-ups) -
Cheating: 7 day-perm ban
(Abusing in-game features/bugs/glitches to gain an advantage) -
Staff impersonation: 7 day-perm ban
(Tricking and convincing players that you are a staff member) -
Exploiting - perm ban
(Usage of external software to gain an advantage over others)
7x124g - Head Admin
Created: 2025-03-21T00:00:00Z
Last Modified: 2025-03-28T00:00:00Z