So I am creating a semi-realistic Roman genre and I wanted to add the correct Roman salute. For those of you who have not seen it before, it looks like this:
(although it varies dependent on direction etc. for those interested, this is augustus)
In ancient Rome the right arm was also seen to be a symbol of pledging trust, friendship or loyalty. It is also not frequently as used as you may think - only for showing upmost respect to a figure, or when used by an officer as an indication of power (especially when they stood on tall platforms).
The issue:
Now, a lot of us when you look at that would recognize it also as the salute used by Germany during the Second World War period. So my question is would the asset (and potential myself) be moderated in accordance with the Roblox Community Rules section 1.11 bullet point 4 due to its similar association.
Steps I have taken to distinct it from the German version which may mitigate the issue:
In accordance with Institutio Oratoria (a scripture on rhetoric) by Quintilian the salute will be as similar to the socially correct thing at the time:
“Experts do not permit the hand to be raised above the level of the eyes or lowered beneath the upper torso; to such a degree is this true that it is considered a fault to direct the hand above the head or lower it to the lower part of the belly. It may be extended to the left within the limits of the shoulder, but beyond that it is not fitting.”
Clothing overrides and skin tone overrides are already in place, as such they cannot dress inappropriately and then perform “dangerous, unethical or illegal activities”.
To be quite honest, its a not frequently used salute back in ancient Rome and so I would not be bothered too much if a community consensus would be to avoid it. I just want to know what general consensus (and any staffs) thoughts on the matter.
Since the Nazi salute was the flat palm facing forward, if you could make your salute so the hand is rotated palm inward and “pointing” forward I believe most people would recognize the difference.
Yeah, it’s similar, but not entirely.
Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t the roman salute also include a “chest thump” before extending the right arm into the salute?
I doubt roblox will take much notice if it is called a roman salute and is used in a roman setting but I would be wary of using just a right arm up by itself and would suggest using the “chest thump” as well in the animation. I am aware of other groups also having salutes but I am unsure of the moderation of them if any
If a gesture is recognizably similar to a gesture that’s been deemed against the rules, it is best that it is steered as far away from as possible.
In other words, if you have to ask if it’s okay, it’s probably better that a different solution is found. That’s how safe you - and ROBLOX - want to be concerning things like this.
The arm positions between this salute and the Nazi salute are relatively different if you scrutinise it carefully from the elbow to the palm, but if you’re worried about moderation then just don’t position the arms that way?
Indeed, the arm animation we are using is the complete wrong direction (to the left) - what I worry for is singular people using it out of context and then the game being taken down (and all the hard work ruined).
I have personally seen a growth in this type of activity on the platform over the past months, hence I wanted to check Roblox doesn’t have some new strict take against anything which comes remotely close to it.
It’s remotely different to the nazi salute so if you can distinguish it by making the arms more rotated and on towards the sides rather than the front, it wouldn’t show off as a disrespectful manner.
as said above, context matters and if it’s in an environment that signifies it as a sign of respect from another era, which most people will understand as they’re interested in the Roman era.
It looks like the roman salute certainly has its share of history and does have various versions, some associated as a symbol of fascist parties throughout time even before WW2. Also interesting to hear the symbolism with the right arm.
And it does have a fair share of appearance in popular culture as an ancient Roman custom.
I’d say be careful in style of your statue, the salute, and the statue’s implications. But, It doesn’t sound like your use of the salute with a statue will constitute a violation of ToS. You could probably even name the statue to reflect the real one to clear all suspicions.
I honestly don’t see a problem as it is “Pledging trust, friendship or loyalty” I don’t think that would be bad and they would allow this. I personally would implement this into my game.