This Bulletin Board will be used to log updates starting from 0.0.2 and the future.
RTG’s main game currently is “Bucharest Transport Game”.
1.0.8 Bucharest Transport Game
- Big visual changes near Drumul Lung Bus depot
- Drumul Lung Bus depot expansion
- Added the new 18m MAN Lion’s City busses
- Started using 2d trees(decal trees) in order to reduce lag
- Drumul Lung Tram line is now useable for 18m busses
- E to sit down prompts should work now
- 6255 added
- 4600 added
1.0.7 Bucharest Transport Game
- Citaro O530 E3 spawner is now fixed!
- Map changes between “Gheorghe Magheru” and “Carol I al Romaniei” stations
- Small changes at “Complex Rezidential” construction site
- Started work on Autobaza Militari
- Magelan bridge is now finished
- Added Line 620
1.0.6a Bucharest Transport Game
- Suspended all lines due to EX105
- Minor changes in O530 Facelift
- Minor changes around the map
1.0.6 Bucharest Transport Game
- Added Citaro O530 E3 for drivers and non-drivers!
- 6248 is now finished.
- Map changes around Triaj C.F.R
Pod Magelan - Jilava connection is now useable - Added more Selling points around the map
1.0.5 Bucharest Transport Game
- 4103 is now finished
- 4265 is now finished
Removed the construction barges on the terminal exit’s - Pod Magelan - Jilava connection is now finished
- Added Line 428
- Magelan bridge is almost finished
1.0.4 Bucharest Transport Game
- Winter arrived in Bucharest
- New intersection at Autobaza Drumul Lung
- Added Selling points and Centers for issuing and reloading cards from the Remastered Game
- Work on Bd. Drumul Lung station is done
- Christmas Line is almost done
1.0.3 Bucharest Transport Game
- Added C1 Non-Interior for Drivers and non-drivers
- Added Iveco Urbanway Non-Interior for Drivers and non-drivers
- Minor changes to staff buses A-Chassis
- The new part of Cartier Magelan is now almost done
- “Magelan” station re-named to “Parc Magelan”
- Magelan Park is now finished
- Added bollards from “Parc Magelan” to “Ghidigeni”
- Temporary Terminal “Pod Magelan” is now finished
1.0.2 Bucharest Transport Game
- Added Citaro O530 Facelift (Still WIP due to roblox)
1.0.1 Bucharest Transport Game
- Visual changes to Otokar Kent C13
- Started work on expanding Cartier Magelan
1.0.0 Bucharest Transport Game
- Added “La Multi Ani Romania!” on all admin buses.
- New Chassis on all admin buses for testing.
- Added Romania’s flag on most lighting poles.
- Changed map detailing Between “Zona Centrala” and “Bd. Drumul Lung”
- Bug Fixes
0.0.9b Bucharest Transport Game
- Fixed C1 w/Interior again
- Bug Fixes
0.0.9a Bucharest Transport Game
- Fixed C1 w/Interior
- New Chassis on C2 w/Interior
- Added 133 Line Guidance text
- Removed old C1’s
- Added seats to the new C2 4th Gen
- New Team changer
- Bug Fixes
0.0.9 Bucharest Transport Game
- Added Citaro C1 w/ Interior
- Added Citaro C2 w/ Interior
- Added N107
- Added 701(still WIP)
- Expanded the map towards Piata Eroii Sanitari and towards Bumbacaria Jilava
- Extended Line 105
- Changed map details near Bd. Victoriei
- Changed map details near the Police station
- Bug fixes
(hopefully I didn’t forgor anything)
0.0.8 Bucharest Transport Game
- Added back Line 610
- Added Line 105
- Expanded the map near Depoul Drumul Lung
- Changed map details near Autobaza Jilava
- Changed map details near Autobaza Drumul Lung
- Bug fixes
(hopefully I didn’t forgor anything)
0.0.7.a Bucharest Transport Game
Change Log 0.0.7.a
Bucharest Transport Game
- Fixed STB Teleport to Autobaza Drumul Lung
- Changed STB Spawn
- Changed Staff Spawn
- Modified STB/Staff Spawn
Real 0.0.7 Bucharest Transport Game
- Map expansion towards Voluntari.
- Small Map expansion at Depoul Drumul Lung.
- Autobaza Jilava is now available for Sofer Avansat I and higher.
- Added Information panels(You can find them at: Civ Spawn, Autobaza Drumul Lung, Autobaza Jilava).
- Changed the terminal at Autobaza Drumul Lung.
- Visual changes towards Triaj C.F.R.
- Visual changes around Platforma Industriala Jilava.
- Citaro Hybrid C2 Gen II is now available for Sofer Avansat I+.
- Hopefully the C2 Gen I is now working.
- Bug fixes.
0.0.7 Bucharest Transport Game
- Added nimic.
- Autobaza nimic a fost pusă pentru public.
- Autobuzele din Autobaza Nimic sunt acum disponibile pentru nimeni.
- Statia " Nimenea " a fost refacuta
- Buguri stricate si mai rau.
0.0.6 Bucharest Transport Game
- Obregia Bus Depot(WIP, Staff only).
- New C2 Buses in testing.
- 419 Line is almost done.
- 409 Line now has a terminal.
- Changed the STB SA Spawn.
- Civilian spawn reworked(50% done)
- Bug fixes.
0.0.5d Bucharest Transport Game
- Small map expansion
- Added new lines: 420(old 610), 311
- New 610 line(Cartier Rezidential Magelan > Depoul Drumul Lung)
- Bug fixes
0.0.5c Bucharest Transport Game
- Changed bus station stops.
- New DAC 112 Buses.
- Started working on a connection bridge to the other side of Dambovita river.
- Termoenergetica S.A. fixed the broken water pipe near the main spawn.
- 301B line will continue to Autobaza Drumul Lung.
- Started work on Autobaza Jilava.
- Started work on expansion near Autobaza Drumul Lung.
- Added decorations around Autobaza Drumul Lung.
0.0.5b Bucharest Transport Game
- Game renamed to Bucharest Transport Game
- Expanded the map.
- Added new line(301+419).
- Added new stations.
- Reworked some aspects of the Mercedes C2 and C1.
*C2: 2nd and 3rd door rework, chassis rework.
*C1: Minor details reworked, chassis rework. - Changes to Autobaza Drumul Lung - Atelierele Bistrita line.
- Bug fixes.
0.0.4 Romanian Bus Simulator
- Expanded the map.
- Added new line(301B).
- Added new station.
- Re-working 610 line.
- Bug fixes.
0.0.3 Romanian Bus Simulator
- Fixed the seats for Mercedes C2 Hybrid.
- Expanded the bus depot.
- Slight modifications for the bus depot.
- Minor changes at the spawn.
- Added Ozana.
- Moved Sfarsit de Linie.
0.0.2 Romanian Bus Simulator
- Added seats for the C2 Hybrid Bus.
- Expanded the bus depot.
- Moved the Duster to civ spawn.
- Minor map changes.
- Minor bug fixes.