Rookie needing advice

context behind

alright, so i’m pretty new to roblox studio and all the in betweens in lua, and i’m striving to make a poppy playtime inspired rpg game, where the player reunites all the toys and gets playcare back into action for the orphans.

post’s purpose

i’m looking for advice from people who have made games before on what i should focus on doing first, whether that’s making the map first, or the models, or the basic functions. i really need intricate explanations so i can also learn why/how to do the thing and the purpose behind it, so i can infer from your help and learn for later.

what you can do

right now, i’m thinking i should start beginning on the grabpack system, since it’s the basic of the poppy playtime franchise. you could help me get some starting info on where i should start and some guidance on how the grab pack mechanics should function and best practices. i’m really open to advice right now, since i trust you more than i trust myself over this.

thanks for your time, i would really appreciate if you did indeed add comments, -kami

Move this topic to #help-and-feedback:game-design-support

  • About what to start working on first, anything really, at the end of the day you have to start somewhere right?

  • Start prototyping, it’s a process where you just make rough models, drawings, write quick and functional code. Don’t get straight into full scale details. Prototyping will help you know more about what you should do and what you should not do.

  • I don’t know what a grabpack system or poppy playtime is.

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i moved the topic, dw

prototyping would be a good idea, i’ll make some rough models (to my absolute best ability, so they’ll probably end up being bad) and try and make some simple code. but since i’m new to this process, i’d really appreciate some more specific guidance. can you please suggest what kind of aspects i should focus on during prototyping?

like should i start by making a game menu, or some monster models, or some back-end mechanics, it’s a vast possibility but it’s easy to get lost in

just read about poppy playtime

prototyping isn’t meant to look good at all, it’s just meant to be functional enough, that you get a fairly good sense of what you want the final result to look and feel like. It really helps you plan your whole game a lot better.

when your prototyping

  • Model wise: i’m not really experienced in this

  • Programming wise: You want to look for the overall architecture of the game system. What code goes where, which module is gonna do what, do you need to use any open source alternatives.

There is never really like a law you have to follow when it comes to the question of, what should i work on first. some developers like to do it according to the game loop, some may follow the story line.

Me personally, since I am a programmer, I just jump straight to manufacturing and figure out things as they go (a messy way, but very fun).

Trust me when I say this, don’t overthink it. Just jump right into it, you will figure it all out.

as i said there isn’t any law, but since you really want an answer, here:

  • start with the monster models, and playtest to see how they look with your character’s POV
  • then work on the core game mechanics
  • leave the UI for last
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much love for that dawg
hope both the sides of your pillow are cold tonight

i’ll defo start making the models and the grabpack, and try and see it from the POV of the player.

for the mechanics, i’ll just mess around and find out what works better for it

'preciate it a lot

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