Rooms High Detailed - Real effort at a good remake

Rooms High Detailed is a remake of rooms that has taken some inspiration from many other games. This is my first real game I have made public and I am nervous to see what people think of it. There will probably be many bugs I didn’t find so I would appreciate some reports on that. As for now it’s only single player, but I plan on adding multiplayer in the near future. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you guys have.

Edit: By the way in game press x to unlock your mouse. forgot to add a reminder in-game.

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I like the office style take on Rooms. It looks very good however it becomes a bit bland rather quickly (I only made it to room 30 so if you happened to increase the variation of the rooms beyond that point let me know).

Yeah I was planning on remaking some old rooms that I had before and adding a new section eventually. For now I will be working on I different game though.