Rootmotion Demo

robloxapp-20241109-0209237.wmv (3.4 MB)
Animation with Rootmotion.

robloxapp-20241108-0046368.wmv (137.8 KB)
Animation in animationEditor

(sry for my bad Eng. am not native btw)
i accidently explo the KeyFrame in side animSave from ServerStorage that u get after save animation from AnimEditor. inside the KeyFrame it have TimePosition and Position and Orientation of LowerTorso so i just took all Keyframe to Tables and soft it by timePosition in data. after that Transform RootJoint in LowerTorso Rotate it same angler as the one u get from (LowerToros Orien)KeyFrame and tween HumanoidRootPart

1.this Function can stop in middle of anim move HRP with anim.Timepos so u can change speed of animation

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