I created a very simple game that I personally think has potential to become something greater if i can find a work around for one fundamental flaw. The idea of the game is that you have a deadly block on the end of the rope, and you can pull it around and attack people with it on a low friction surface.
The issue is that while the rope and block you have is buttery smooth, for opposing players it jitters around at a lower FPS that I think the average player would find unacceptable- don’t get me wrong, it’s still playable, but cosmetically it looks terrible.
The goal is to make it so that opposing player’s blocks both look smooth, yet still accurately portray where they are server side so that player can tell when they’re going to be hit and it doesn’t come out of nowhere, or have instances where an attacker thinks they should of hit someone but they go straight through it.
A video demonstrating this is linked here:
The tool itself is incredibly simple, it is two blocks, one is a handle, the other is a kill brick. There’s a rope between them.
As for what I’ve tried, we’ve workshopped a couple ideas, but judging by how roblox makes players seem so fluidly controlled, I’m hoping there’s some feature I can enable for these tools that will achieve a similar effect.
We could:
Have each player simulate the rope blocks client side, but this will result in either hits that don’t kill (if we track killing on the victim side) or deaths that look like you weren’t hit (if we track kills on the attacker’s side). Not to mention security concerns.
We could have a real block that’s invisible server side, and then simulate the block client side, but the two might end up in wildly different positions.
So far the best results have been from the current very simple set up.
Is there a rendering mode we could enable, or some script wizardry that would solve this?
Thanks for reading.