Rope Constraint Keycard System

So I saw a keycard system that used keycard constraints and I decided “Why not try?”. The problem is I have no idea how, well I do have a idea but not for sure. I figured the keycard part itself would be simple enough I just have two problems. Problem A. I don’t know how to auto equip the system to the player, more specifically add different cards to the system. Problem B. I’m not familiar with animations on Roblox, especially not one like this. Here are some references to the system I saw:



you want to be familiar with animations if you are making an animation? so you should go learn that and you should also go learn how tools work (on youtube)

The thing is, this system isn’t a tool, rather it seems to be an accessory equipped on the player.

But I do know I need to work on the animations yes, however, once I have the system made I can work on that. And I know basic animation, just not with players and parts such as this.

The keycard is not an accessory, it is just attached to the players UpperTorso with a rope constraint. Whenever the card is needed a WeldConstraint will be enabled and the card will be CFramed to the players hand for the animation.

Hmm I see, makes sense I suppose.

The only thing is what about the other part in picture 2, the cylinder in the torso?

That’s just a cylinder welded to the torso.

So the card is attached to a rope constraint along with the cylinder that is then welded to the torso?

From what I can gather, the cylinder is welded to the torso and it has a an attachment in it. The card is unanchored and also has an attachment in it. The card is attached to the cylinder with the rope constraint, but the cylinder is just welded to the torso.

Alright, that’s what I figured. On to my next question, for making different keycards what would be best? Changing the keycard itself or changing the decal?

Depends on your end goal. Decals work perfectly fine though. Plus you can have an attribute or variable in the card that says what type it is to go with decal.

Yeah, my current keycard system goes based on keycard names, so would it be simpler, and more effective to do what I did before plus change the name or just simply swap out keycard models? I’m thinking of the first option, but I’m not the greatest at optimization so figured it would be worth the ask.

Personally I’d just change a variable in the card and when changing that, also change the looks of the card in the same scripts. Kills two birds with one stone, y’know?

Yeah, that’s why I was leaning towards this solution rather than the other.

Yeye, good luck on your project man.

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Thanks mate, I suppose I’ll post some images of my progress along the way.