Rope constraints messing with network ownership

So I connect two player’s HumanoidRootParts together with a rope constraint.
A problem arises;
When a player attaches it’s self to another player with a rope, only one of the players gets network ownership over BOTH characters!
because of this, the second player gets HUGE input lag as anything it does to its humanoid the other client must approve first.
I am making a repel system and this becomes a bigger problem when you are using client-side only body movers to move the character when they are on the wall hanging from a rope as I have to make the server do extra work replicating the body movers to the other client so the first player can move at all!

What I might be able to do in the mean-time to try and fix this issue while I wait for someone to (hopefully) fix this:
Set a client-side only (parented to workspace.Currentcamera) part’s cframe to the cframe of the player2 and make a rope between that part and player1’s character to keep the networkownerships separate.
This will cause me a LOT of work though as I’ll also need to change how other players “grab” the rope entirely and make it so player2 does the same thing to player1’s torso so the rope isn’t just there for player1.

This really needs to change to allow parts at different ends of a rope to be on different assemblies.


Did you find the solution yet? Found myself in the same situation.

I haven’t. It’s been 5 years since I posted that but if I remember correctly I just completely cut the feature that required multiple players to be connected to each other with a rope.