Rope Swing Obby - Game sponsored soon - Feedback wanted!

Hello everyone! I’ve recently been done with most of the basic features of my rope swinging game and made it public 2 days ago.

I’m planning to use up to 15K+ R$ on sponsoring it in the upcoming days, so please give me any feedback that you think would improve the game, or any ideas that would make the game more engaging!

I can’t talk much about the game here as I want you all to come in as fresh new players. Please tell me how fun and how difficult you found the game was, and if there were any part that are too confusing or would make newcomers leave.

Your replies will be greatly appreciated!

Game link: Rope Swing Obby - Roblox

For those who saw my post about this game last year, hi again lol!

Also: Nvm


Game is amazing. Only one issue that the ropes don’t fling ye that far!!! Like I wnana be spiderman bro.

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Thanks for telling! It’s kinda hard to change that now as I’ve built quite a lot of obstacles that need players to fling far away. But I’ll try changing some of the very huge gap jumps and maybe be able to reduce the fling force by a little, hopefully.

Edit: Oh wait did u mean i should make it launch further away?

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Hi. Played the game. cool idea. I would love to know how you managed to do this as I would like to get monkeys swinging on ropes. There’s a great sense of momentum on the ropes. It’s a great game and could see it doing well if it gets attention.

Anyhoo, comments below:

  1. Whats new - text too small on large monitors
  2. Err. that appears to be it
    I wonder whether it needs to get more challenging. I reached level 51 and didnt shout at the screen or feel the need to rage quit.

High quality game and really impressed.

Thanks for letting me know your thought! I’m glad your cool with my agme.

  1. I also agree that texts are hella small for big screens. I’m not really good at UI designing and since I also want mobile players to play normally, I had to sacrifice how it looks on PC.
  2. You are also correct about this. When I first made it public lots players failed to do jumps that I thought was simple then quited pretty early. So I had to expand 90% platforms by 2 or 3 times :sob:.
    I’ll try to clarify that these first stages will be very easy.

The rope physics is pretty complicated (at least for me). At first the rope used to absolutely horrendous, some of my friends who played had to rage quit bc of it. So then I scrapped that old system and made this current one. The controls was also really bad, but I kept adding and changing stuff until now, that process has taken over a year.

I can’t really explain here how to acheive that except telling you that it was made with some constraints and lots of outdated, dumpster fire code. Hope you can get your monkeys to swing ropes!

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Looks like the game is starting to get noticed which is great. I’ve managed to complete world 1 & 2 on both settings. tbh the bombs a fiendish but fun.

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This is sick as hell! I had tons of fun playing your game and the amount of levels really kept me entertained! The modeling is fantastic and detailed, which in my honest opinion fitted your theme perfectly!

One improvement I would make though is the walking animation. It looks like I just had Taco Bell and needed to rush to the bathroom.

(Also the ui kinda crowds the screen.)

I wish the game got recognized naturally like you thought. I actually spent 11 ad credits so we can’t know for sure if it’s gonna go as I would like it to, hopefully it will.

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Yea I’ll have to agree with you on this. The animation looked pretty ok when I finished it. But when I threw it into my game it was so slow I had to sped it up, which resulted in an anim of someone locking their butt and rushing to restroom like u said. I will change it when I get the chance, and add a hide button for some parts of the UI also.

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Well I’d say the ad credits were definitely worth it

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