RopeConstraints that are connected to the player and an anchored brick, flip the player's hand upside down


When a player holds a tool that is bounded by a RopeConstraint, or another constraint type, to an anchored or welded brick, the player seems to flip upside down and turn it’s right hand backwards.




The bug happens both in game, and in studio.

Sample game:

Demo File: RopeConstraintBug.rbxl (19.7 KB)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a tool with a handle with an attachment inside it
  2. Create a part thats anchored with another attachment inside it
  3. Link the two parts together via a rope constraint or any other constraint (like a rod or spring constraint)
  4. Play the game.
  5. You also can just go into the Demo Place File above, its all done there for you :heart:

When it started happening

I haven’t ever really experimented with rope constraints until now, but I found this other thread that provided me with a temporary fix with it. This thread dates back to September 2018.

System Specifications

  1. CPU: i7-8700k
  2. GPU: RTX 2080
  3. Memory: 32 GB DDR4

This seems very related to this issue:

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I have a change that should fix this issue. I’ll try enabling it today and let you know so you can let me know if this fixes your issue.

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The problem seems to persist, although looking a bit better, almost eliminating the weird foot planting problem.

Sorry it took an extra day. I just enabled a Beta Feature for this. Enable this and see if anything changes.


Works beautifully! The only thing I noticed was that equipping the welded/anchored tool gave the camera a little more sway than the anchored one.

I don’t think the video does it justice, considering compression and all. Discourse wouldn’t allow me to upload my OBS video, so I used gyazo

I also noticed that if you equip and unequip, your player goes into platform stand and it looks like the players legs go into the floor for a second.

The equip/uneqip is probably related to another Humanoid replication bug that I think I have a fix ready for. I should be able to enable it sometime in the next couple weeks. I’ll make another announcement or let you know when that is enabled.


The fix I was talking about was finally enabled. Looks like it fully doesn’t fix the issue with going into PlatformStand when you equip one of the tools. There must be some other issue in the Humanoid controller.

We are working on overhauling the Humanoid physics controller too, but this is a much larger project and will require opting in to it once it is released.


I’m not sure if it’s a bug, but there’s strange behavior that happens when a rope constraint going from a part the character is holding to an unanchored part goes through the floor (or is very long). When the character jumps, the character is pushed in the direction opposite of the direction from the character to the unanchored part. Here is a video:

I’m not entirely sure if this is a bug or intended behavior, but it’s very strange behavior that I would consider a bug. Is there an explanation for this behavior or a way to solve this? I’ve been wanting to write a bug report about this but my rank in the dev forum isn’t high enough to post bug reports.

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