RoProxy Inventory API seems to be broken

I’m using RoProxy API for getting user’s inventory, and the base link is :**{userId}**

I tried to get a player’s gamepasses created by that player. For mine, it worked perfectly fine, but for others, it doesn’t properly work. I already checked that this user in the screenshot has her own gamepasses, which are probably around thirty gamepasses or so. And they were all ONSALE and didn’t get any moderation by Roblox. So there’s no reason the gamepasses doesn’t appear. I even checked that her gamepasses appear on ‘Pls Donate’.

I also came up with the idea of using Swagger UI Inventory V2, but I found out that it doesn’t support gamepasses while other types like clothes, assets are possible.

Oh and also, I know that roproxy is unreliable, so I used MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo() to check if the gamepass data sent by roproxy is truly the one of the user. So you don’t need to worry about the RoProxy’s “Untrustworthiness”

It isn’t broken. The person that you are checking the inventory of needs to have “Who can see my Inventory” set to “Everyone” in Privacy settings

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I used my alt account, and I think you were RIGHT.
I could view her Inventory on my main account, but not on my alt account.
Maybe her ‘Who can see my inventory?’ setting was set to ‘Friends’ or something like that.

Thank you so much! :smile:

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