I was using it only for photo and music search so i figured out that i can just use :GetFreeDecals and :SearchAudio which are actually also way faster
This is occurring for me as well, but only occurs in-experience (requests always work fine in studio). @okfalse, can we get an answer as to why this is the case, and potentially a fix to this issue? At least in my cases, this error is very frequent and causes RoProxy to be nearly unusable for me.
Does the inventory API still work, I keep getting unauthorized errors.
I just created my own proxy for free using cloudfare workers. With cloudfare workers you get 100,000 requests per day for free. To reduce the amount of requests I consume on cloudfare I first request roproxy and if it fails I use my own as a backup. This system has worked great for me!
Here is a good tutorial on how to setup your own.
Hope this helps!
This issue just recently began happening for me, really weird. For about 2 days requests worked perfectly fine in-game, but recently all requests have dropped with an HttpError: InvalidRedirect
. Would love to know what is going on with the proxy…
me too, is there any tutorial on how to do a self-hosting proxy
Yes there is www.robloxproxy.com
However this proxy may be down sometimes, but it seems like in some week, it will have a higher uptime.
I got HTTP 404 (Not Found) did the endpoint change or something?
if nextPageCursor then
data = http:GetAsync("https://www.robloxproxy.com/users/inventory/list-json?assetTypeId="..tostring(assetId).."&cursor="..nextPageCursor.."&itemsPerPage=100&userId="..tostring(plrId))
data = http:GetAsync("https://www.robloxproxy.com/users/inventory/list-json?assetTypeId="..tostring(assetId).."&cursor=&itemsPerPage=100&userId="..tostring(plrId))
Where did you find this proxy? And how long has it been active for?
How can I get the gamepasses from a player? I need all the gamepasses listed in like json format.
EDIT: The passes, the user has created. Not the ones that the user has bought.
I got a proxy url that gives all the games a user has: https://inventory.roproxy.com/v2/users/userid/inventory/9
is there a way to get more pages or does this work with nextPageCursor? And how can I get all passes from those games?
yep, do you know any alternative?
That isn’t the proxy’s fault, the endpoints are not valid on Roblox.