To make social worlds (builds, showcases, hangout games, etc) a more viable option for developers, and offer a superior social experience for your players. Let’s uplift the social genre together.
The primary goal is to make social worlds (builds, showcases, hangout games, etc) a more viable option for developers. And make social sessions much more seamless for players.
Yes, all worlds are interconnected by default. This is secured by ranking other worlds based on how many teleports they’ve contributed to your world, falling back on randomization if there’s a lack of data.
Players teleport to worlds they’re interested in, creating a natural network effect, where worlds promote similar worlds. And at a large scale, hopefully uplift the entire network.
Interesting idea! I would like it if levels and shared settings saved between these games, as I believe it would make it more immersive.
For security reasons, the game would tell your server when somebody joined, and when they left. Your server would calculate the user’s gained xp (and new level), and so would the game server. They should be synced if the game didn’t try to exploit their xp for extra levels or by maliciously ruining their level or something. Then, individual games could award the user perks for having a certain level, incentivizing players to stay longer in games they like. Perhaps inviting a friend could also award XP? Unsure how this could be confirmed with your server though.
A shared setting would be like “Hide UI”, and these settings can be disabled by the individual games who don’t want it.
game is public, published, signed in with same account, RoRooms is set up and functioning, all security features are turned ON (i.e all allowed, such as HTTP requests and third party teleports) site throws “Unknown Error”
until answered, i feel as though the registering is just a sneaky little webclip… due to the lack of error and functionality, I would advise anyone else to avoid until further explanation or fixes are given/applied.
Could you please link the place you were trying to publish, along with your Roblox username? It’s somewhat difficult since the site doesn’t store extensive logs, but I can look into it.
I just took a look at your demo place, and I have to say – the framework is truly impressive! I’m considering using it in the future for a social-style game. I love the clean, intuitive UI and the level of customization it offers.
Thank you for making such a valuable contribution to the community!
To publish your world onto the Rorooms network, please follow this guide:
Disabling discovery
You may not want to participate in RoRooms’ worlds network, and that choice is supported. Understand that by doing this, your world will not receive support from any other worlds.