Rorooms - Roblox's premiere social framework

Publishing :rocket:

To publish your world onto the Rorooms network, please follow this guide:

Disabling discovery :x:

You may not want to participate in RoRooms’ worlds network, and that choice is supported. Understand that by doing this, your world will not receive support from any other worlds.


'scuse me, just wondering how do you set up emotes? and do they support R6?

Emotes currently only support Roblox catalog emotes, but this is changing in the next update. And yes, it will support R6. Watch out for 0.4.0 :rocket:

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I’ll might use this in my hangout experience.

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RoRooms v0.4.0

  • Make worlds menu initialization more robust :globe_with_meridians:
  • Support arbitrary animations as emotes :dancer:
  • Fix item & emote display names :adhesive_bandage:
  • Removed footstep sounds :mute:
  • Converted files to Luau :new_moon_with_face:

aw sick! thx!!! ngl this is prob my fav thing i’ve seen in a while for social games / experiences, will use!

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bbuut i think emotes dont wanna work


what i did was add an animation in the Emote config, idk if thats what ur supposed to do…

EmoteId should be used instead of ItemId, and it must be a string type attribute.


RoRooms v0.5.0

  • Profile roles :tada:
  • Easy loader attribute type checks :mag:
  • Fix AnimatedSeat prompt hiding :chair:

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RoRooms v0.6.0

  • Physical objects :earth_africa:
  • Rename RoRooms → Rorooms :label:
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Hi, it’s me again, it’s possible if you want to collaborate directly with you to participate in the project. I was thinking about creating a game around it made specifically for the launch of rorooms

You mean to create a world using Rorooms? Or contribute to Rorooms’ source code itself?

For any future readers, I’ve written a short guide here:

i mean like both, i was thinking to create an official rorooms social game and maybe contributing source code too. It was only an idea

Rorooms v0.6.1

  • Fixed world loading :bug:
  • More profile options :point_up_2:
  • Teleportation screen :sparkles:
  • Improved world page menu :sparkles:
  • No confirmation on teleport :warning:
  • Fixed backend bugs :bug:
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Gotta say, this entire framework is great. I absolutely love the full power over the customization as far as I have gathered so far.
Way to go. Amazing work !

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Posted a video tutorial on installing Rorooms.

Updated the original post to improve formatting, accessibility and better communicate its purpose.

Some progress on the upcoming avatar editor…