RoSound 2.2.1: Audio discovery made simple [1.5K+ installs]

What’s the issue in the video?

The Install button finds the selected object in Explorer and inserts the sound there. If there is no selected object, it inserts into Workspace. This isn’t displayed anywhere and there is no auditory or visual feedback for this action. Your feature request has brought this to my attention, so thank you. I’ll add a small pop-up or other notification of some sort in the next update.

By the way, thanks for donating! It really helps me out!

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Update 2.0.1 is out!

This update is intended to fix some issues and add a few new features.

  • Many new high-quality sound effects
  • New background blur and pop-up when installing audio
  • 2-second delay between audio installs
  • Many issues with 2.0.0 fixed

Make sure to update the plugin to the latest version and enjoy the new features!
If you find any problems or issues, make sure to report them here.


I probably should have explained it a bit more. I was assuming that you would be able to scroll down to see all the available audios. However when I get to the bottom of the scrolling frame it appears as if there should be another audio but it doesn’t let me scroll down further

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I could imagine this being a very widely used plugin once they have 500+ sounds


I believe that was fixed in v2.0.1. Notify me if the issue persists.

I found a bug, if you click to play a sound and click on another sound while the sound loads the two icons will be modified


Update 2.0.2 is out!

This update is quite small and intended to fix issues and add some new features.

  • Brand new Paid Audio system
  • Blur and pop-up were removed
  • Auditory feedback when installing audio
  • Some bugs were squashed

Paid Audio FAQ:

What is Paid Audio?

Paid Audio is select audio in RoSound that is extremely high-quality and useful in many games.

How can I use Paid Audio in my games?

To use Paid Audio in your experience, you must first purchase access to paid audio.

Where can I purchase Paid Audio access?

Paid Audio access can be purchased for 100 :robux_gold:, it is a one-time purchase, unlocks paid audio forever, and helps support the plugin as well! You can purchase here.

More sounds will be added to the Paid Audio sort every single update. Enjoy!

I have to say it was pretty easy to bypass this gamepass check. Gamepasses are unreliable as its easily bypassed

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Thanks for notifying me! Exactly how did you bypass the check, and how I can I prevent such bypasses in the future?

First, there is no way to prevent this. Other than making a paid version of this plugin

I just changed “if gamepassowned then” thing to “if true then” lol


I see. Thanks for letting me know.

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If they ever happen to allow us to sell private assets for robux, maybe you could supplement the gamepass functionality with inserting audio pack models based on which ones are in the plugin owner’s inventory. Not sure if they intend to allow us to do that in the future. In regards to UGC assets, to me, that’s kinda what ‘we believe that creators will want to better control the availability, manner of distribution, and value of their creations’ sounds like

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A “My Audio” feature to upload your own sounds to the plugin.

  • Yes (shown to everyone)
  • Yes (shown locally)
  • No (Explain why)

0 voters

He downloaded your plugin, modified the source code, and re-uploaded it as his own. You can only do this with free plugins. The main deterrent is that it’s a headache and most people would rather just pay. You could potentially add some code that locks the plugin if it’s not made by you (or even obfuscate the plugin), but people could just remove it.
I recommend either making a premium version of this plugin (all the premium sounds are unlocked) or not doing any thing.

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It might be worth having a “Lite” and “Pro” version of RoSound, with the paid Pro Version having the high-quality audio.

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If there is a my audio feature that shows to everyone will it not just become the toolbox all over again?

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No, all the sounds that you uploaded would have to be reviewed by our team before going live.

I can’t do this because I’m not in the Plugin Marketplace program.

Thank you for all your suggestions, I will keep them in mind!

Update 2.0.3 is out!

This update adds a brand new feature: Audio Uploading!

You can now upload your own audio to RoSound! Audio you upload will first be reviewed by our team before going live. Audio that is inappropriate or does not meet our requirements will not be added.

Uploading audio is currently a BETA feature and it may not always work as intended. If you find bugs or problems, please report them and I will fix them as fast as possible.

As always, thank you!

NOTICE: Make sure to join the Discord server so you don’t miss out on all things RoSound!

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The discord link is expired, new one?

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Thanks for notifying me about this. The Discord invite link has been changed.

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