RoSource Dev-Log #2: May 25th - May 31st
Welcome to our second official dev-log everyone! Apologies for the late dev-log, the day was a bit busy and I pushed the writing of this dev-log back quite a bit, then the gun tool type video wouldn’t upload so I had to use a slightly older tweet. For those of you new to RoSource, we are a group that is bringing a new, high-quality Half Life 2 experience to Roblox. Check out our group here.
This week was a little slow, but some substantial progress was made. A lot of the scripting was making sure the back-end systems for the inventory/storage system and tool system are in place so that content is easy and efficient to add later on. Importing focused on Precinct-6, a commerce district containing shops & restaurants.
Here’s the list of major weekly progress:
Gun Tool Type
Major progress on the gun system happened this week. Ammo is the only major mechanic left to be completed with the system.
Media wouldn’t upload, here’s a tweet I made a few days ago instead.
Inventory System
The grid inventory system that will be used for item interactions in the game was added in this week. Still adjusting internals, but it’s here.
Tool System Improvements
This week development on the tool system continued. Hands now perfectly align with tools and movement replicates across clients.
Precinct 6 Shops
An integral part of Precint 6, two additional shops have been added in the area for the use of the player ran economy to operate off of.
Precinct 6 Exterior
Precint 6 is an important section of the city as it is host to the Grizzly Grotto, sewer entrances, a hotel and many shops as well as a registration area.
NPC System Foundation
The foundation of the NPC system was set this week. Base AI & replication has been completed. NPC AI is handled on the server while they are rendered on the client for smoothness and low-lag replication.