RoSource Dev-Log #3

RoSource Dev-Log #3: June 1st - June 7th
Welcome to third official dev-log everyone! For those of you new to RoSource, we are a group that is bringing a new, high-quality Half Life 2 experience to Roblox. Check out our group here.

Here’s the list of major weekly progress:

Inventory Context Menu

Items can be right-clicked to bring up a radial menu with options that vary depending on the type of item selected.

Main Menu Concept

Here are some early images showcasing UI concepts for the game’s main menu.

Registration Office

Necessary for the legality of a business and participating in the Combine economy, in order to open a business citizens must first meet set requirements and apply to an NPC for business ownership at the registration office in Precint 6.

Loyalist Hotels (WIP)

As an added bonus for loyalism, extra living room will be provided for those who have proven themselves valuable to the combine.

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