RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

4 was fixed yesterday! Number 3, 2, 1 and 1 we are aware of an are being worked on!


Thx for the reply! I am glad you guys are working on #1 since it is very important for us!

Thank you,
Thunder (Shafin)

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Hey Guys, I want to do a poll about RoStats but for some reason I can’t edit the original post to add it in. So instead, im doing the post here:

Do you use RoStats
  • Frequently
  • Often
  • Not That Often
  • Might Do In The Future
  • Haven’t Heard About RoStats Before

0 voters

Wait, so only you are looking at the applications? At this point it’s really sketchy. We don’t even know completely what you specialize in, how are we supposed to know you’ll judge us fairly?
And it’s odd that two people who were pointing out bugs just suddenly became mods :confused:

We have a team of skill reviewers who follow a criteria. And the users who reported bugs contacted me on discord and helped me more with bugs and tweaks I can do. They applied for mod and I read their application and gave them mod

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Our team of skill reviewers follows the skill criteria that I have made. If you want to see what the skill criteria, this is the devlog post I have made. DevLog 5 》RoStats - Stats For You! We will be more than happy to get any feedbacks from you or anyone regarding the skill criteria!

Your API is not working completely as intended, the favicon is not loading on this page.
On top of that the endpoint is supposed to be serving JSON, however the Content-Type header is set to text/html, which makes certain libraries not interpret the data correctly.


:warning: Found a HUGE issue!

I forgot my password, I tried to change it but it sent me to the sign in page.
I remembered it, but that is a huge problem - please fix ASAP.

@NamelessGuy2005, @justice_romqxn.

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Heh. I actually maintained a statistics platform called RoStats over a year ago, before shutting it down because t he DB was too large. Guess i’d have to find a new name if I ever re-release it. :sweat_smile:

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Our team of developers have already been working on this. :slight_smile:

I sent an application in, not sure it went through tho.

Don’t worry it went thro. It just took a bit of time for it to be reviewed since the reviewers were not really active. I have just reviewed ur application!

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About that, did anyone see my skill criteria suggestions on one of the devlogs? I believed it was made by @ryan00107rules .

But how can I be sure I trust your mods with my things? And with my discord, etc? How secure is it?

Can I have some more in-depth security understandings?

what are you confused about? im a little confused about what your asking

Basically I just want to know a little bit more about the security(privacy policies(what cookies do you use and what for)(nvm I’ll look for these), etc) and the mod application process. I’m not sure if I can really trust this yet.
Pm’s are fine.
Actually I just read through the TOS a bit more-Thankfully it isn’t legalese mumbo jumbo. Thanks about that.

Also, the names are a bit weird as most people refer to them differently
Acting is generally referred to as voice acting
Same thing with tailoring

We have a privacy policy which will answer ALL your questions! Also tailoring is the same as clothing. Interfacing is the same as UI/GUI, with acting, yes we infer voice acting.

I know that but it’s just that everyone refers to it differently, which those being more common than those. I’ve never seen someone refer to it as tailoring.
But I was asking about these in paticular:

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Please refer to,!

Please check our Discord if you’re over 13, if not direct message me!

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I just don’t have discord. Could you please give me it in the pms?

It doesn’t give me the full information, just a “includes”

Sorry, but everything included on that subdomain is all the information that we collect.