RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

This criteria is no longer used, new one is to be released soon.

  • Romqxn, Senior Skill Reviewer & Trial Moderator
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If anyone is is experiencing an error 500. We are aware of the issue, it should be fixed Tuesday or Wednesday.

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You can now donate to this project at RoStats - Stats For Developers. We at RoStats are not forcing anyone to donate, but if you want to we would be grateful for any donation! :slight_smile:

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I’d suggest swapping to
It’ll allow you to move over easily, and write great HTML & CSS!

Hello all! RoStats is currently down for scheduled maintenance in regards to a database change! Please join our communications server if you’re 13+ to receive updates.

Junior Moderator & Senior Skill Reviewer @ RoStats

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Website is down, also why are you using heroku for hosting?
Edit: just saw announcements saying there is an update.

I am using heroku as it is convenient and is one of the only hosting providers that supports python. I am using the hobby package which so far is working out well as only 25% of the resources available are used at once. :slight_smile:

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Do you want free hosting from me?

Website is down. As of 18:58 England Standard Time (GMT).

Yes, it is down for scheduled maintenance

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When will it be up?
Thank you.

You need to be 13+ to use the DevForums. I don’t use discord, so I can’t join.

Thanks for the notification!

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We expect for it to be up in less than an hour.

the website will be up 30mins - 1 hour, you should set this topic to watching so you don’t miss out when I announce when the website will be back up.

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Thanks for the conformation. This is appricated deeply. :slight_smile:


Non-members can still view posts.


Hello! Thank you for sticking around we have migrated our database successfully! Thanks for all the reports. If their is any data loss or issues, please feel free to private message @NamelessGuy2005 or myself!

Junior Moderator & Senior Skill Reviewer @ RoStats

Website is up, from the tests I have done the new database is running smoothly. Please don’t be afraid to contact me if you experience any bugs, issues or glitches!

Im afraid your website will become obsolete soon. Roblox is working on Talent Hub which basically does the same thing and should be releasing sometime this year in the second quarter

We were aware of the talent hub before RoStats creation. The talent hub is basically where you can hire devs, or be hired, RoStats is basically where you can see stats of roblox developers.

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