RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

I have noticed a bug on the website:

When viewing the read more pop-up, there is no way to exit out or minimize the pop-up without refreshing the page.

Link where the bug occurred on:


pressing the darkened screen outside of the popup also works :slight_smile:

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I mean it is up to you, loads of developers have found our site useful! here are some pledges from some users :slight_smile:



I think I’ll join the discord for now
and I’ll think about joining the site later
really unique idea btw

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The website is AMAZING i tell you AMAZING, Heres some features I’d like added

No roblox user about verfaction.

Show your groups on the profile page.

Be able to report people for, the following
Inserting free models
ruining your game
messing up your scripts on purpose

Then they can get banned so people don’t fall for it, People can make alts to make there skills higher aswell.


You should also make it so you can add your
Devforum account
roblox account

your devforum and Roblox account are already automatically put on your profile, to view a users Roblox account press their username and to view their devforum account press the Roblox studio image on their profile. as for twitter we are planning on adding that.

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What’s a support member? And please don’t tell me this is going to turn into a hiddendevs :grimacing:

Hello all!

I’m so glad to be releasing this new information! Our website has a brand new front end! Our developers are so proud to release this.


Please make sure to checkout our Discord server to report any bugs, or report them here! Any questions also feel free to post!

Roman Senior Moderator @ RoStats

Quick question, what type of files are we supposed to send for scripting applications?

For scripting, you may send pictures of the script or anything similar.

All image files. Currently, we don’t accept anything else.

Well than how do you know its their script? They could just steal free models. And for modeling, they could just take pictures of free models.

This is why our skill reviewing team is trained on how to identify free models, or open sourced models. If we allowed videos, you could just take videos of stolen items as well.

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Another question: Can the submitted code include code from open source projects? Or do you have to have made it entirely yourself

You should also add a “About me” Similar to Roblox.

I would say only submit your code of the open source project, maybe edit the picture of the code to indicate which code is made by you and which code isn’t. :slight_smile:

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Alright, Only a small portion of the code was from an open sourced module. I’ll just screenshot the part I made

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Banners have been added! You may now have banners on your profiles!


Can I use a custom image for a banner?