RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

they literally give you a url for free with statuspage though.
also you don’t have to pay for subdomains?

Or just use upptime? It’s even easier:

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I get this when I click on sign up.

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Same, he might have forgotten to do a payment hahaha. Or it’s just a genuine error.



it’s been pulled until they feel like putting it back up because their legal / privacy docs were a complete mess.

Would stay clear tbh

Just going to repost this since there’s been some confusion.

Hello everyone!

Thanks for sticking around this past week, RoStats should be up and running sometime this week, we thank you for your patience. Quick note and sneak peak of RoStats+!

RoStats does not need to pay the ICO fee until we start making a profit.
ToC has been updated for release day.
We’re working on email verification and password resetting.

We are also looking forward to releasing our own currency, so keep a lookout for that!

Sneak Peaks:

CC: @Ryfiles @dev_sda1 @coburm @KletusVanDamme Hope this helps!

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i don’t think people should be leveled, but rather they should just upload samples and let the customer rate it. yeah i simply dont see what this is useful for (im also a little annoyed that there’s no web and scripting as in scripts that interact with the web api, but almost nobody needs those)

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I don’t understand why you’re expecting people to give you real money? You’ve already sewn alot of mistrust into the community with the untested and buggy release let alone the documentation debacle that’s just been sorted.

I don’t see the point in trying to earn money through ads or purchases until it’s certain both community side and your side that it’s actually fully functioning and doing what you’ve advertised.

Also calling it a “roblox LinkedIn” when it really isn’t that sounds quite over the top doesn’t it? Unless you’re planning to turn it into a fully functional work based social network there’s no point, let alone having the audacity to start asking for real money after that messy launch as it is.

Your owner said that hosting costs 7$ a month, which heroku’s hobby package advertises as having quite awful specs for what you pay for (512mb ram LOL) this really won’t scale well if you plan to actually make this something serious unless you learn to move away from PaaS and move to IaaS and learn some valuable skills along the way


I’m sorry that that’s how you feel! I’m also just a senior moderator and senior skill reviewer, please feel free to contact our lead developer and owner @NamelessGuy2005, also if you’re over 13 and have Discord feel free to join our communications server!

Also could you elaborate on the word ‘sown’?

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Hello! Thank you for your feedback on our website. Whilst the release had a few minor issues I would hardly call it buggy. Also, I am not a lawyer and do not have the money to hire one and therefore our terms and privacy policy has suffered greatly. You can be reassured that the new terms and privacy policy complies with GDPR (RoStats - Terms And Privacy Policy - Google Docs). This new terms and privacy policy was made public a few days ago and no one so far has brought up any issues with it (unlike the last one).

I understand fully why you might be skeptical about RoStats due to the issues we have had in the past. It is our top priority to make sure our users personal data is respected, which is why we only allow our website to be accepted via https, all sensitive data is hashed and encrypted before it is put in the database (we hired a developer, @Qeiray, who is familiar with encryption and hashing to help us make sure the data was definitely secure).

RoStats+ isn’t planned to come out for at least a few months so hopefully our website has a better, well deserved, repuation by then.

Also 512gb of RAM is enough for most websites, if RoStats ever grows big enough to warrent a better server then I’ll probably hire a developer to set that up.


You’d be better off using haha
(its even £5! £7 USD)

ill look into It seems interesting

He was joking, :man_facepalming: is not good even with a paid plan.

a debian vultr is 5 bucks a month and it has one gb ram and you can also host a database there in case you get the site hugged to death. if you have more to spend you can even get a scaleway dedibox or something

you’re bothering too much with these, hashing isnt rocket science (you’re using bcrypt not md5 right? right???), https is easy with let’s encrypt or cloudflare. its not like the fbi will seize your site for storing roblox usernames and discord ids. its a hobby site after all


Hello everyone! Thanks for sticking around for the past week! RoStats is finally back up!

You may visit the website at

Feel free to reply with bugs and feedback!

Roman Senior Moderator @Rostats

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For the skill applications, what authority can we expect from you to judge our skill level from just three examples? How do we know what quality or type of work to submit?

My suggestion to this is that you provide guidelines on the website outlining the minimum requirements for the skill application as well as the expectations to reach a specific skill level. Also for the application, rather than just three examples, you can ask specific questions for the appropriate skill type. For example: “How many years of experience do you have?” By judging their answers or the quality of their responses, you can more easily determine their skill level far more accurately. One last thing is that you give the option to provide examples using a link. For some specific examples like graphics, modelling, etc, most people can just provide a link to their portfolio which will also benefit you greatly rather than judging just three examples.

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This is a great service idea I hope roblox will integrate with when they release the new talent hub. I hate making portfolios and such and joining discords for developers have too many roles and not the right ones. I do recommend game/environmental designing to your skills.

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Well we do have a “skill criteria” it’s in progress and we are still working on it. It’s not the best but it’s what we have now. The skill level is judged by people that are experienced in that area. Ex) If you submit a translating work, our experienced translator will determine the skill necessary for that person.
Link to the Devlog regarding skill criteria → DevLog 5 》RoStats - Stats For You!