I suggest making the sign in page more accessible as right now (of my knowledge) the only way to get to it is by link. Also the forgot password page just brings you back to the sign in page.
Lol, why would you have a ghost button on your site. This site has potential, but honestly I would rather just use the talent hub when it comes out. It seems partially poor designed and has missing features.
Using heroku? Nice. Ngl, I would rather use replit.com (cuz I have the Hacker plan and replit has live collaboration). The site looks great by the way. I’m more of a backend developer when it comes to websites, so literally anything that looks nice is amazing to me XD
Almost forgot, replit.com actually has SSL on the repl.co domain as well. (meaning your container will have SSL even if you use the repl.co link)
I feel like this reply is talking more about replit.com than how great your site looks.
Btw, what did you make the backend with? I use NodeJS while making sites because it has a builtin module for that which makes it super easy to create websockets and all especially with express. Tbh though, I wouldn’t be surprised if you used something like Python.
Alright. By the way, I’m not very fond of having to put in my email to signup or login. Can you change that? Maybe verification like those Discord bots?
originally you signed up with discord, but lots of users disliked that and wanted a traditional email and password sign up. I can assure you if your worried that all sensitive data is hashed and encrypted before it is stored in the database, therefore if in the rare scenario a hacker gets into our database, they wont be able to do anything with the data. Also all traffic entering and exiting the website is encrypted, thanks to our SSL, to mitigate issues with hackers intercepting sensitive data from the traffic.
fair enough, I fully understand your situation
some users made a burner email for rostats because they felt uncomfortable putting their email into an “unknown” website