Rotate and Move part on the client (while keeping player on it)?

Hello! I’m trying to make it so a part is moving (and/or) rotating on the client. I need functionality for both. I have tried creating a HingeConstraint on the client with a motor, but it only seems to work on the server. Most of the tutorials I’ve seen are either jank or server-sided. Any help would be great!

For context, I’m making an obby; as somebody who has pretty terrible internet, I know how important it is that this is performed on the client side.

Characters stick to parts that are moved by physics so I think you should try using LinearVelocity and AngularVelocity constraints.

it’s working but only when i step on it? i know it’s something to do with network ownership but I’ve got no idea how to fix it

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Do Part:SetNetworkOwner(player) in a server script

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yeah but it’s multiplayer, so that wouldn’t work.

Make the part client sided then and keep the position on the server so they stay in sync

i ended up finding a tutorial on keeping the player on the part via a script so it doesn’t rely on physics, thanks for your help tho

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