i got a boat that has hulls and each one is moved to the position i want them to be. i want to rotate the boat (with a body gyro) to align with all of those points
for example, if the front hulls are further down, the boat should tilt down
right now i have something but it doesnt do what i want
picture of the boat not tilting down
this is the code
local averagePosition = Vector3.zero
for i, hull in pairs(self.hulls) do
-- hullpart is the part its trying to align to
local currentPos = hull.hull.Position
local newPosition = Vector3.new(currentPos.x, self.waterLevel, currentPos.z)
hull.mover.Position = newPosition
averagePosition += hull.hullPart.Position
averagePosition /= self.hullCount
averagePosition += self.boatOffset
-- rotation code below
local direction = (averagePosition - self.moverAlign.Position).Unit
if direction.Magnitude ~= direction.Magnitude then -- NAN (not a number) checks
direction = Vector3.new(0, 0, 1)
self.rotAlign.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(self.moverAlign.Position, direction)
-- rotation code above
self.moverAlign.Position = averagePosition